Thursday, May 10, 2012

Recipe #1: Home made chicken nugget.

So here's the thing, i like cooking. You all know that i like cooking. I don't usually have dinner parties but i do cook for my family and friends sometimes. If we ever have an event or whenever i feel like it. Haha

Whether it's good or not, you have to ask them yourselves, but no one have COMPLAINED before. They just tell me what can be added to make it nicer, but i think if all the important people likes it, i don't mind.

I mean, of course, i am not a chef so i won't have hotel food standards. DUH, so don't expect it to be that way.

Anyway, i was bored the other day and decided to cook so i told my mum to get me some boneless chicken breasts and potato chips.

That's basically all you need for this recipe, really. It's pretty simple but i'm just posting this "recipe" anyway so i would have something to blog about. Haha

What you need:
Boneless chicken breasts
Potato chips
Plain flour

and some spices if you want to add more oomph to this nugget.

So first thing we do, is of course, clean the chicken. Get rid of the skin and the extra white fatty parts at the sides of the breasts. Then the chicken breasts into cubes. This will have to depend on how big or small you want your nuggets to be. It's your choice, you don't even have to cut it, so it'd be chicken cutlet instead.

So once you have cut and wash your chicken, pat the pieces with a paper towel so it's not soaking wet.

Get your assembly line ready and put your plain flour in a plate, beat your eggs up. This is where the potato chips come in. You can get whatever flavours you want, but i use Hot and Spicy flavour. You can use sour cream, black pepper and all that jazz.

You get your potato chips and just crush them up, kinda like a breadcrumb consistency. So, not too fine and not too chunky.

What you do next is just, take your chicken chunks and coat them lightly in the plain flour, dip them in the egg and then coat it in the potato chips. I did them one chicken chunk at a time, but do whatever you think is easiest.

You can then fry them up or oven bake them and serve them with sour cream or Thai chilli or just home made sambal. It's pretty good.

Well, i liked it. Haha and my mum liked it so yay! So if you guys try it, tell me how it goes and enjoy.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Product rave #1

Disclaimer: I am in no way or another associated with the company or brand mentioned in this blog post. Item featured is bought using my own money and i am not being paid for the product placement and views on product are of my own.

This post is way overdue. I have been meaning to do one for the longest time, but as usual, i haven't get to it. So today, since i'm on a roll and catching up on my blogging, i might as well just do it and get it over with.

Everybody knows that i have had problems with my skin. It's just break outs after break outs after break outs. Just when i thought it would get better, new break outs will come.

I'm sure you all remember since all i ever do is vent about it on Twitter.

I have combination skin, but mostly it's dry. The outer layer of my skin is dry and the layer under my skin tends to be oily, so that's how most of my pores get blocked.

Obviously i have been to a dermatologist before and he prescribed me to "Doxycycline". It's good, i won't deny it and i also liked the whitening cream the doctor gave me. It worked well the first time.

I was on Doxycycline for 5 months, before my skin started clearing up, also with the help of the whitening cream.

After that, i stopped using both for a while, cause the doctor told me that i don't need to be on those pills anymore. I was happy with my skin for a while, as you all know. It was clear for one and a half years.

And then it started again. I don't why, but for no rhyme or reason, i started getting break outs again. Doctor said it has got something to do with a new work place, so he put me back on the pills and cream.

The pills worked fine, the cream however gave me skin allergies.

My face got really red and it burns after the 3rd day of using it. I thought it was okay, cause it used to burn before it got better. My skin started getting REALLY dry, and then it started peeling. The second week, it got really really itchy and then it got really swollen.

I have blisters everywhere. My cheeks, my lips, and everything. It was a nightmare, it really was.

I am in the customer service line, so i get really vain sometimes. With that allergy, i was almost dreading being on counter every single day.

I went to the doctor and he gave me this skin allergy cream and it got better after the 3rd day. I was seriously relieved beyond belief. It was the "holy grail" moment. Haha

So after knowing i had skin allergies, i stopped using all those fragrance stuff and went back to using The Body Shop's "Tea Tree Oil' skin care rage, which have helped me a lot.

After a while, my skin started peeling again and Kak Yanny (my cousin) told me to try to use Aloe Vera gel.

I have heard about Aloe Vera gel having skin repairing qualities but i was too afraid to try anything else after that ordeal i had to go through. With much persuading, i decided to try.

It was the best damn decision of my life.

The product is "Jorubi Aloe Vera Gel". You can get it at Watson's or Guardian for around $19 or so. It is a little bit expensive but it's 120ml and it last so long. You just need to squeeze like a 10 cent coin size on your fingers and just use it as normal moisturizers.

This product is 99% Aloe Vera, and the other 1% is just water, so you know that this is natural product. The good thing about this product is that it has a lot of uses. I used it to treat Vincent's sun burnt and it disappeared in just 3 days, with constant application.

It treats rashes and ulcers too, i've tried. Stretch marks, i haven't tried yet but i just might.

I used to use this Aloe Vera gel at night, after i have cleansed and toned my face. I used nothing else but this Aloe Vera gel.  I used my Tea Tree Oil moisturizer in the morning if i have to go out somewhere and wear make up, but if i'm at home, i just use the Aloe Vera gel and nothing else. Like, i am not kidding.

My skin started becoming really smooth, and all the scars started to fade away. My skin had visible change by the second week, and i started getting compliments for my skin. It's not perfect in any way, it was just better than what it was.

My complexion got brighter, and my skin got really smooth and supple. It was awesome. I used it for a whole year before changing into something else.

But that product will be in another blog post.

I know it makes no sense to talk about my skin, but i feel like i should share this cause i know a lot of people who are stressing about their skin, so i really hope you guys at least give this a try for a month. Or until you finish up the bottle. You won't regret it. I didn't. 

Jorubi Aloe Vera Gel: "My skin is not perfect but it's much better"- Arynne

1st May 2012, Tuesday

Well, first up, happy labour day everyone.

While you guys were enjoying yourselves at home or with family, i had to be at work.

No, no, library is closed on public holidays, but we do have holiday duties. If we don't, then you guys will have fines for sure.

So, if you think working in the library is just sitting around and looking for books, then i think you guys should walk a mile in our shoes.

There are so many back end tasks that need to be done. Sure, it's one of those jobs where you ask yourself, "what do they actually do?". Well, my friend... LOADS!

It's like teachers.

All they seem to do is just teach and mark papers. But if you know what goes in behind the scene, well, you guys might not think that way again. Well, i hope so.

We do a lot of liaising with schools, companies and other ministries. We have to be all rounded. Gotta know the collection, gotta know the system and all that jazz.

I like working in the library though. I learnt a lot in my one year in the library, and i know i have a lot more to learn.

I think it's just in me.. STUDYING. Or learning in general. Gaining knowledge. It intrigues me, weird, right?

Also, i miss Vincent, so keeping myself busy is CRUCIAL. Okay, enough about Vincent. I will try to blog once in a while.

Take care, all! 

Day 30. Highs and lows of the month

To be honest, i cannot remember anymore.

Haha it's like in October 2011, and now it's May 2012. Errr, yeah, it's been that long.

I can't remember, so i don't think there were a lot of lows, or highs. If there were, i would have remembered.

I fought a lot with Vincent though, cause i don't know, i'm a crazy person. Haha

He's weird. He's still here when he knows the kinds of tantrums i throw.

Ahh, Vincent, i love you so. *smiles*

Day 29. Goals for the next 30 days.

That's easy.

First things first, saving money.

Seriously, that's gonna be my goal for the next 30 months or 30 years. Haha. So many things to think about. Firstly, if Vincent and i are meant to be together, where would we stay? New Zealand or Singapore?

Also, family holidays and all that jazz.

I have been restraining myself from doing shopping like i did before. It's not as hard as i thought it would be. If you all know me, you all know that i LOVE shopping. Especially online shopping, i can be so impulsive. Saying that not shopping is not hard is shocking.

It shocked me.

I have walked past a lot of shops and went to a lot of online shops that offers FREE shipping. Knowing me, i would jump in there and just buy buy buy but yeah, i can actually restraint myself from buying. Perhaps, i have a bigger picture in mind, that's why it's not been so bad.

Secondly, my job.

I have been given more challenging tasks, and it is a huge step for me, so i am still learning. That's why i like my job so much, everyday is a learning journey. There are so many new things every single day that sometimes when you feel like you're just getting used to the new changes, something new pops up from nowhere.

It's awesome.

Oh! And also to lose weight. Vincent gave me permission to lose weight, just 10kgs though. If i lose more than that, he said he's gonna leave me. Haha, i am gonna get a earful, for sure!

Weird right? He actually does love me for who i am, fats and all.

Though, i am gonna be signing up for Zumba classes tomorrow. The classes will be in June, so i have checked and cleared a lot of my work schedule. Thank goodness, it worked in my favour.

We'll see what happens. *fingers crossed*

Day 28. Something that you miss

Oh. My. God.

Vincent's cuddles and snuggles at night before we go to bed. I miss his kisses and crushing in his arms. I miss him carrying me JUST to prove to me that i'm not THAT heavy. I miss his laughter and his random impersonations of me.

Vincent's back rub in the morning when we wake up.

I've always had back aches ever since i started working in the library. I'm thinking it's all the heavy boxes i have to carry and stuff. Ah well.

Yeah, i miss having him around. I have been feeling very sensitive lately cause i really really do miss him. Tears would sometimes roll down my cheeks. Eugh, i miss his presence.

I miss a lot of things but that's the first thing that pops in my head.

I miss having a family gathering. A picnic with all my aunts and cousins, like how we used to do it before. Everyone's saving up for a lot of things, so we now look forward to family holidays.

Ahhh, i miss Vincent. *cries*

Day 27. A problem that you have had

A problem that i have that i have solved.

What is it? I actually cannot remember. I don't know. Haha what do you guys think?

I think it's pretty much trying to actually tell everyone what to do at work. The thing is, i am not trying to be bossy, but some things at work are under my care. Some people would conveniently forget to do some things that is pretty important. I have to obviously follow up.

I used to be the new girl. So, you all should know what it's like with being "new". I tend to not want to step on anyone's toes but after talking to the previous manager about it, i feel for confident in telling people to clean up or clear up their messes so i don't have to do a double job.

Yeah, i like my job. The people in there and stuff. It's nice, so i'm not complaining much.

Well, i MIGHT be back.

Yes, yes, I know. I haven't been blogging.

I have been busy really. That's all i can say. Excuses, excuses. I know, but i can't help it. Every time i feel like blogging, i will get so tired.

I have tried blogging at work, but eh, too many eyes. *if you know what i mean*

So yeah, i will try to finish up my October's 30 days. Haha

It's been a while. Blogger even has a new look now. Not bad. Not bad at all.
