Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Okay, let me get this straight.

Based on my previous post on the Mas Selamat thingy.

I'm not trying to pin point our SPF's incompetency or anything like that. If you guys think that was my point in writing that blog, i sincerely apologise.

I didn't say i believed he is innocent. But i didn't say he's guilty either. I'm just saying it's just a possibility. Even though the chances of him being innocent is extra slim, but my point is, the chance he is, is still there.

You get what i mean?

And the sentence "I'll probably just give him some food, some money and a change of clothes." kinda offended some people.

What i meant was, he is still a human being. It's not in me to see fellow a human being suffering in hunger and to be dressed in such filth and me, doing nothing about it. You get what i mean?

It's not as if i'm really gonna keep him in my house or anything. I didn't say anything like that.

Another thing is, i'm not trying to insult anybody or anything. I know our SPF is doing their hardest to find this guy and i respect that.

Like i said, those are just theories. It's all made up and absolutely not real.

But i sincerely apologize to those i've offended with that post.

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