Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Who the fuck cares.

I just got done reading XiaXue's blog and i feel like saying something. I don't care if it don't make sense to other people, as long as it make sense to me.

I don't know why people keep picking on XiaXue. Calling her fake, stupid, whore and all other crude words just to get a reaction out of her. I think all these sad losers should just leave her alone.

Who cares if she blogs about her shopping escapades or how much she loves her nails. If her readers find it interesting, who are you to judge.

I have to admit, i am not an ardent follower of XiaXue but i do read her blog once in a while. Yes, some may not make sense but i find her post very thought provoking and sometimes very witty.

I'm a girl. I love her shopping posts, cause i too want to know where to find the cheapest deals. It's like looking glamorous and expensive without leaving a burn on your pocket. So why is it that some people have problems with her posting her receipts of her awesome finds? I don't get it either.

These goons must lead a really despondent life to even pick on people about what they write on their blogs. Yes, everyone's entitled to write anything on their blog, but when you start condemning other people's writing style on your blog, no doubt that will start a war.

Wait, i think it's fine to criticize someone about their blogs but don't let it get too personal. You don't know that person. They say reading what a person write on his or her blog/diary shows alot about a person. I say BULLSHIT. You can only guess so much about how a person is from a blog. There's only so much a blogger would want you to read.

So i think it's really downright degrading on your part to judge someone on how a person blogs. Yes, XiaXue do sound shallow sometimes, but who isn't? We love money, we love material things, so what rights have you got to say damned things about XiaXue.

Honestly, i'm not taking XiaXue's side and i sure as hell don't know her personally. But all these people coming out of nowhere trying to get a freaking reaction out of her is characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness; STUPID.

About her being stupid. If you read her blog from the beginning, she is anything but stupid. Controversial, yes. Rude, nyeah maybe. Stupid? NEVER. I read once that she have an IQ of 145. That's way above average and definitely far above most of the people out there.

Fake? Well maybe cause of the photoshopped photos. Who cares. If it makes her happy, why would you even comment about that? Does it sickens you to see her so happy? Then too bad people, that's your issues.

And the ever talked about nose job. STOP IT WITH THAT ALREADY. There's nothing taboo about doing a fucking nose job. People do nose jobs all the time, she's only getting hell cause she decided to do let the TV production air in on tele. Here's the thing, if i have money, i will sure as hell get a nose surgery done. Believe me.

So enough about XiaXue being fake already. You people should start a new hobby. Pfft

1 comment:

nuwee said...

sayang nampak. hah!