Saturday, June 18, 2011

Moral Dilemma: Son and Granddaughter

Part 8. [link here]

"There is a train that, much to your horror, is about to run over your grown up son, who has been tied to its track. It just so happens that you have just enough time to flip a switch that will send the train down a different track, saving your son. However, tied to the other track, is your granddaughter, the daughter of the very son in danger of being run over. Your son is begging and pleading with you not to flip the switch, not to kill his daughter. What would you do?"

Well, let me see. One is my son and another is my granddaughter. Either way, someone is gonna hate me for my guts even though it's gotta be one way or the other.

If i switch the flip to my granddaughter, my son would hate me forever since he's already begging me to save the daughter but at the same time, if i follow what my son says, my granddaughter would feel so guilty cause the dad died just to save her.

You know, instead of just standing there thinking if i should flip the switch or not, i might want to try to attempt to save my son since the train is already going down his track.

You get what i mean?

I might attempt to untie my son while the train is going, you know. If it was indeed his time to go, i might feel a little less guilty since i was trying to help set him free instead of just standing there at the switch box thinking if i should flip the switch or not.

If i succeeded, then hoorah for me so that means i have both my loved ones still with me. If not, i might hunt down the psycho b-tard that did this in the first place.

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