Sunday, February 15, 2009

To all haters

I know there are some of you who hate me, and my also hates my blog. Haha don't have to tell me cause i know i sometimes write really controversial stuff. But hey, don't be hating. It's not my fault i have an opinion and not conform like the rest of you do.

Right now i wanna say, i will NEVER apologize to the people i've hurt, to the races i've insulted, to the blog post i've posted.

I have something for all you haters.

But don't worry, i havent forgotten all you lovers either. Thanx for making my blog a readable one, even though it's not as famous as some of the celebrity bloggers out there. But i don't really care anyway, i write for me and if you like what i write, i have to say you've got good taste. Haha kidding.
But thank you for reading.

P/S: Pictures courtesy of Shane Lawrence from Australia.
P/P/S: Haha, heyyy he asked for it when he gave me that middle finger picture, but i guess it fits right. Tee hee

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