Thursday, September 10, 2009

Donations needed.

So yeah, as everyone know, i'm basically dying right now. I just basically lose it and decided to go to the doctor to check on my brain. Yeah, i have 6 months to live unless i go for this 'surgery'. But yeah, basically i'm broke. Wanna help?

*The sound of a record scratching*

Haha, i'm just kidding. Oh my goodness, i just basically cursed myself right there. NO NO NO, i'm not dying nor do i have to go for any types of surgeries. I'm just bored people, so bear with me. Hehe

Okay, back to some serious note. 

I need money. Lots of them. Mhm.

Anyone wanna help me fund my phone/redesign my new house and basically just give me awesome gifts, do leave me a message or an email. I'll send you my account number/home address. 

Haha, i'm so broke, i'm not even joking right now. So yeah, anybody would be so kind enough as to give me your kind donations, just leave me a comment. 


P/S: I may or may not be serious. But money/gifts received will be greatly appreciated.

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