Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Why don't you do something?!

"Yes boy, this post is for you.. Most probably you won't be reading this but if any of your friends read it, I'm sure they'll pass the message to you.."

You know i see you looking at me.. Everytime i turn to see, you look away.. I hear your friends talk, and no I'm not stupid.. Ignorance is bliss.. I may pretend i don't see or hear anything, but i know everything.. 

STOP pretending as if you're not interested, i know you do boy.. STOP stealing glances and staring.. If you want me, say something.. If you want me, do something.. It doesn't help just looking from the corner of your eye and turning away when i notice you peeking.. Standing there and letting your friends tease you about it isn't the way..

Talk to me, be close to me..

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