Saturday, April 17, 2010

Philly Boo,

I MISS YOU. Terribly.

Baby said he felt lost when i left and that he didn't know what else to do.
He can't wait to go back to work and actually go out and do SOMETHING. 

I miss holding him. I miss staring at him. I don't know what he wants. He said he wanna be with the one he loves, and he loves me. He wanna be with me, but he's missing all the physical part of the relationship. The hugging, the kissing, the cuddling. I do too, i just don't know how to explain to him that i need him just as much as he needs me.

My heart hurts when i think about him, cause i miss him so much. I don't wanna cry about it all the time cause
i had 2 wonderful weeks with him. And i know i should be grateful that i'm able to spend time with him and be a normal couple for once. It was so hard to let go cause i know what i'll be missing. 

He's an awesome boyfriend. He have his moments but most of the time, he's caring, attentive, affectionate and just very..... loving.

P/S: I wish you are doing fine now, Boo. 

P/P/S: We have to come up with a kind of compromise and see what we can do with our relationship, Boo. I don't want us to constantly feel insecure about each other and the relationship. It's damaging. And i love u, i don't want you to think otherwise. I'll wait for you if you want me to. I'll move if you want me to, but in the mean time, we have to think of a realistic plan and just hope it'll fall into place... faster, for our sake.

I think we have been constantly with each other for the past two weeks that the separation is taking its toll on us. Don't worry, Boo. We will make it somehow. Have a little faith.

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