Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Day 29. Goals for the next 30 days.

That's easy.

First things first, saving money.

Seriously, that's gonna be my goal for the next 30 months or 30 years. Haha. So many things to think about. Firstly, if Vincent and i are meant to be together, where would we stay? New Zealand or Singapore?

Also, family holidays and all that jazz.

I have been restraining myself from doing shopping like i did before. It's not as hard as i thought it would be. If you all know me, you all know that i LOVE shopping. Especially online shopping, i can be so impulsive. Saying that not shopping is not hard is shocking.

It shocked me.

I have walked past a lot of shops and went to a lot of online shops that offers FREE shipping. Knowing me, i would jump in there and just buy buy buy but yeah, i can actually restraint myself from buying. Perhaps, i have a bigger picture in mind, that's why it's not been so bad.

Secondly, my job.

I have been given more challenging tasks, and it is a huge step for me, so i am still learning. That's why i like my job so much, everyday is a learning journey. There are so many new things every single day that sometimes when you feel like you're just getting used to the new changes, something new pops up from nowhere.

It's awesome.

Oh! And also to lose weight. Vincent gave me permission to lose weight, just 10kgs though. If i lose more than that, he said he's gonna leave me. Haha, i am gonna get a earful, for sure!

Weird right? He actually does love me for who i am, fats and all.

Though, i am gonna be signing up for Zumba classes tomorrow. The classes will be in June, so i have checked and cleared a lot of my work schedule. Thank goodness, it worked in my favour.

We'll see what happens. *fingers crossed*

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