Thursday, October 30, 2008
Impulsive behaviours can be fun
SOMEBODY bought SOMETHING on impulse and now she's totally keeping a HUGE secret from her MOM. Tsk tsk, bad bad daughter. Haha
Hey YOU, don't delete the conversation okay! I'll take it from you one of these days.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Batman's hot, Spiderman's a wuss
Well, whatever.
As you all know, behind this perfect facade lies someone with flaws. Lol, i sound like a poet. Just kidding, i'm just saying that there's alot of things i can't do even though my capabilities outweigh my incompetency. Haha, how much conceited can i getttt!!??
Well, here's a list of things i can never depend my life on.
Believe me, what happened to me during my childhood still haunts me. All thanks to my beloved cousin, Linsy's elder brother, Danny! No seriously.
Our family grew up going to the beach every weekend, and everytime we go back to school, we have this gorgeous tan (and sometimes really bad sunburn).Our friends call us 'Beach bums' even. So going to the beach often, i naturally love the ocean, and i can swim and i'm not afraid of those little fishes swimming in between my toes.
Well one day, Danny thought it'll be fun to drag me out in the middle of the sea and leave me there. I was okay at first until the tides started to came in. I couldn't stand cause i was freaking tiny last time (also known as SHORT! Haha!) and as the tides came in, the water level rises. I couldn't get my body to calm down, i couldn't stand on the sea bed, so i started to panic.
I think that's how i started to get the fear of those deep oceans. I can float though, but when i started to swim, i panic. I NEED MY FEET STUCK ON THE FLOOR.
So i think if anyone were to blackmail me or anything, just threaten to throw me in the ocean. Or if you think i've been very annoying and want to kill me, the only way is to throw me into the ocean full of sharks. Haha, DOUBLE OWNAGE!
Okay, i admit, i'm a bathroom singer. A serial one at that. Linsy's and my family used to have karaoke sessions once a month (like 10 years ago! haha). We used to sing till the cows come home, and we were pretty good. I think it's because of all the karaoke-ing that trained our voices.
BUT NOW! Jeesh, have you heard me singing these few weeks. I sound like a toad. Haha, okay maybe not a toad but i suck at singing. I can scream though, but i have to stop doing that just incase i hurt my throat again. Haha.I think if i were to join Singapore Idol, i'd be featured on the episode only because i sound REALLY bad. No, seriously, i am.
Oh my goodness, Daddy is a total artist. Mommy's good with the drawing too and younger brother got their talents spot on! While me? Don't ask, i'm sure you all know where i'm getting at.
I doodle, oh hell, i'm the queen of doodle, but have you all seen my artworks? Well, yeah i got a B in my secondary one art exams but that was like, repeated patterns. Anyone can do a masterpiece with a toothbrush, a comb and very nice colour splatters. Oh, don't forget the potato cut out too. Stars, moon, hearts, you name it.
I like colouring more though. I LOVE colouring, but my colour coordination sucks. THANK GOODNESS FOR MY GOOD TASTE. Haha
Don't ask. I forgot how to ride a bike. Haha seriously, i did.
I'm claustrophobic. Never leave me in a tight space, small room or a really really crowded place. I get dizzy, breathless and i can't stop sweating. I don't know what the is cause i've never seen the doctor about it but i'm pretty sure it's not normal. Haha.
I remember being in a really crowded bus with WinnieC one day. I was fine at first cause we were laughing at this one guy with really funny hair. So i started sweating, and the air con was such a jackass. I feel faint and i wanted to puke my guts out. I think WinnieC freaked out cause my face was pale, my lips went dry and everything's just spinning.Hm, maybe i should see the doctor about that. Haha
Well people, enough about this. I'll add more to the list when i can think of something else. Tee hee, hope you all enjoy picking on my flaws.
Just kidding, enjoy!
A good friend once told me, we are memories
I believed i had a couple, or more, i can't remember.
There was this girl, Yasmin. She was just like me. I mean, EXACTLY like me. They called us twins cause we look somehow similar, only she was fairer. We were both into the same thing, interested in the same guys. Haha, it was funny cause we're almost always falling for the seniors. Hey, i was 7, so pardon my naivety. We knew each other since babies but
And then there was another.
Munirah. I knew her the same time i knew Yasmin, we just didn't hang out together, the three of us. Haha, what do you expect, we were on that age where we think older men are hot and guys our age are just full of germs.
Yes, i do have an interest for older men since i was young. Hmm.. Yeah anyway, that's another story.
This Munirah is actually the daughter of my mom's friend. We kinda got to know each other by association but we were quite close, almost like sisters. Honestly,
There's still alot more really, but i can't remember. So, what actually made me brought up this topic on childhood friends? Well, one of my childhood guy friend kinda showed himself two weeks ago. Haha no, it's not what you think.
His mom kinda visited my mom for Hari Raya and he tagged along. It was funny that the mother still recognized me, cause honestly, i have forgotten totally about them. When was the last time we met anyway? I was 11, now i'm 22. Wow, 11 years ago nearly. How time flies.
I remember going to Sentosa together, his family and mine. Actually our two family were inseparable cause we almost go out for outings atleast once a week. Our mothers still kept in contact, but we just kinda drifted apart.
You know what's funny though? We were in the same school. I believed the same batch even cause we graduated at the same time. And the thing is, we were both in an Engineering course, different major though. Engineering school is not that big so i'm sure we've seen each other around school before but i kinda forgot how he looked like. I mean, what do you expect, he's a guy. Guys change alot during the course of their puberty. Okay, maybe i did change too but i'm pretty sure both of us don't remember each other if not for the fact that his mother came to my house to visit my mom.
Haha, anyhoo, it's funny reminiscing my childhood even though it's been such a blur. There's been more downs than ups but hey, the ups are worth remembering right.
So hey listen, if any of you readers out there are one of my childhood friend, do drop me a message okay. It'll be nice to reconnect back after all these years.
What am i doing, i doubt any of them are reading this! Haha, oh well.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Arynne is..
I've got flu and really bad cough. SORE THROAT SUCKS!
Haha, will update bloggy soon.
Love you all!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Just venting, don't bother! Haha
I thought one of the reasons why people have mobile phones is so that it's easy for other people to contact them. ESPECIALLY DURING EMERGENCIES. That's why it's called a MOBILE phone, because it's easily accessible.
Seriously, if you all are one of those people that never charges your phone and never answer phonecalls, don't waste money buying a prepaid or postpaid card.
Better yet,
P/S: I know i might hit some raw nerves on some people but don't mind me, i'm just venting. Tee hee
Monday, October 20, 2008
An OVERDUE Ramadhan post!
So we're supposed to meet at Afi's place at around 2pm. Most of us are already there except the couple of the day "Linsy & OJ"! We actually have to wait for 2 hours for them!
Anyhoo, i think i'll just post some pictures and explain some of the events that took place.


Oh yeah,
So in the middle of the trip, the height of the heels took it's toll on the sole of my feet. GREAT JOB! I have to try to walk glamorously while trying to curb the pain from showing on my face.
It's not as glamorous or as attention seeking as my original heels but hey i was so in pain, i don't care anymore. Haha, but it matches my outfit so whatever! *grin*

Here's a scenario. Imagine while queueing up for your food, you suddenly feel a hand caressing your butt. Not once, not twice but three times! That's what happen to Sally, Hana and me. And the culprit? None other than SIKINOS! We kinda didn't do anything to her in the house but after we left the house, in each lifts we get into, we grabbed her. Lol, every chance we've got. I think Hana was so into the moment that she grabbed Sikin's boobs.
Haha, yeah that's how crazy we are. We do molest each other, and we take pleasure in doing and receiving the act. Oh ew, i sound like a pervert.
Haha, this is true though. Sikin was molested almost the whole trip.

All the way, we kinda hear this squeky sound coming from one of the girl's shoe but
On the way to somebody's house (haha, i can't remember who), Linsy's heels kinda got stuck in the carpeted playground. It was funny cause we're actually boiling up a plan to try to get Sikin molested and caught on camera but to think Linsy was the one who got all the drama. So she took out her heels from the carpet and i guess looked at the sole of her heels. She found out that the plastic cover of the heels have actually dropped off. So she went "so, the squeaky sound actually came from my shoes."
We just laughed cause we finally solved the case of the squeaky shoes.
Well anyway, we really actually had fun. The trip kinda ended at 1:30am and we were all dead tired but at the same time we didn't want it to end cause it was such a happy time for us.
Haha, hey girls (and guys), thanks for making this Hari Raya a special one for me! Love each and everyone of you lots! Let's make it much cooler next year. Hey, lol i suggest hiring a mini bus so we won't have to catch the last train or have too much shoe drama.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A hairy affair
16th October 2008, Friday
I just had an idea what to talk about in my blog so i thought i'd just type the things out in my Notepad and then transfer it in my blog. It's much easier this way and besides, i don't wanna forget anything. Yeah, i have random thoughts all the time and sometimes i typed it in my text message box and save it for later transferral. Lol, if there's such a word.
Yeah well anyway, today my topic is not about that. It's about hair.
I think i have expressed my undying hate for hair extensions. I can't wait to take my 13 extensions off. No, i'm not gonna take it out myself like how Linsy and Rehan did. They're blessed with thick hair so it doesn't matter if underneath it, their hair actually feels like a bird nest. LOL JUST KIDDING GIRLS!! *winks*
No but seriously, if i wanna take it off, i'd rather let a professional do it. Although Linsy's mom said she knows how to take it off, i'd rather not risk it. Haha my isn't as thick as Linsy's or Rehan's so yes, believe me, i don't wanna some of my hair short and out of place.
Anybody knows anywhere that can help me take out my extensions for free or for a cheap price? Haha, the feeling is killing me kinda.
Anyhoo, you people know how paranoid i am about my hair right? I mean seriously, i am. Only because i think my hair is the best feature on me (other people might disagree but whatever). So basically, my hair have been falling. I know it's normal to have 50-100 strands of your hair to fall everyday but it's scaring the shit out of me. I know it's probably nothing and worrying about it will just make me lose my hair more but damn, i'm actually scared. Of losing my hair. Of having to wake up to a bald head one day.
Haha, am i thinking TOO far? Maybe i am but i'm sure girls understand what i'm going through. Okay, maybe my hair isn't falling as much as i think it is, but i mean errghh, what if?! Fine, i realized there's a lot of "WHAT IF"s in my life right now but this is my hair we're talking about.
Another thing, anybody knows any remedy or product that will make hair more thicker and more stronger? I love my hair, i do, oh yeah i do! Haha. I mean, i just wanna make my hair thicker cause it'll look nicer. I'm thinking of going for this injection with Linsy. It kinda injects some solution in your scalp so that whatever is in your scalp will help make your hair grow stronger and thicker. I know it's probably unnecessary cause my hair's fine but.. OH MY GOODNESS, WHAT THE HELL AM I BABBLING ABOUT?!
Pardon the nonsense my friends, i think the dropping of hair is making me lose my mind.
Haha, once again i say, it's probably nothing so i'm gonna stop worrying about it. But hey, if you all know any products that will make your hair thicker, feel free to contact me or just leave a comment. I've allowed both blogger and non-blogger members to comment. Do leave your name at the end of the message so i can thank/smack you appropriately. Tee hee
Yes last topic! I know i know, finally. I talk too much i think, but i love talking cause it makes me happy. Haha, talking makes me happy, who knew!
Okay back to the topic.
I'm thinking of cutting my hair. Yes, my long luscious locks. Linsy and Rehan suddenly told me, "No, you're not to cut your hair!". Linsy suggested i'd just trim it and let it grow more. I don't know, i kinda like long hair but i wanna try other hairstyles but have no idea what kinda hairstyles suits me.
Wait, but at the same time i don't wanna cut my hair cause it took me 10 months (since January) to get it this long. I kinda grew attached to it. Hm, maybe i should transfer my "attachment" to something else. Yeah anyway, i'm just thinking you know, should i or should i not cut my hair? I think i'm just gonna go to a high end salon like "Redken" or "KR+" or something like that and tell them to somehow "Make it work (LOVES TIM GUNN! HAHA)".
Anybody know any professional and not so expensive salon that do that kinda services? Haha, get a hairstyle that is perfect for your face shape.
Gah, anyhoo.. SHOULD I OR SHOULD I NOT CUT MY HAIR?! Decisions decisions! Opinions needed people! CHOP CHOP!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
What you see is what you get
It's my opinion and i believe everyone is entitled to have them. So are you. I'm not someone who will say "Well, what you think is wrong and because i said so.". Even if i don't agree with it, I'll still accept it cause it's your opinion and your views. If everybody think the same thing, wouldn't this world be so boring. There won't be shows like "The Hills" or "Real World".
Believe me, a world without drama is as good as not living.
So, what I'm trying to say it.
If you don't agree with what i think, then hey by all means but don't ever tell me to change the way i think cause i like it as it is.
Thank you very much.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Tattoo Plans 2
Haha, i'm probably not gonna get any tattoos. It's like, i think i'm already gorgeous as i am, so i don't need this so called arts on my body.
Lol, gorgeous. Kidding.
But highly unlikely am i gonna get a tattoo.
Hummm, maybe i'll change my mind again tomorrow. Who knows. Haha
Monday, October 13, 2008
Tattoo plans
So, what do you all think?
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Chicks before dicks
The answer is no, we do not fight about a guy. Never have we before and never will we ever.
The reason being, we all have different taste in guys. There may be some similarities in the personality traits aspect but they are never perfectly the same.
Amy and me likes those nerdy, in a cute way, type of guys but we were never attracted to the same guys. We like looking at the same guys though, only we have never fell for the same guys. Linsy likes those funny guys. So do i, the only difference is, Linsy likes the class jokers while i prefer the school nerd. Paris and me, we have almost distinctively similar taste in guys, just the physical aspect of it is different. As for Shelly, well, i don't know.
Haha Shelly have the perfect boyfriend in my opinion. Linsy, Amy and I pretended to fight over him but we don't really really want him.
We respect each other. Even if we fall for the same guy, we won't fight over him cause our friendship means more to us than dicks.
If i were to fall for the same guy as any of my girlfriend, sure I'll try to get his attention but I'll never let this drama be a barrier to my friendship with any of the girls. I think I'll just see how things work out. If the guy likes my friend better, I'll gladly back off and be happy for her.
I'm sure my girlfriends will do the same. So yes, we have no problem with falling for the same guy.
Blogger team rocks
And thanx Arun for importing my posts..
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Import Export application rocks
It has an importing limit of 50 posts per day and i have approximately 200 posts, so it'll take 4 days. Be patient my dear reader!
Thanx again Arun!
Friday, October 03, 2008
If i were an American citizen..
Yes people, i'm endorsing him publicly.. So all my American reader, do the right thing.
Vote for change, vote for Obama.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Come up to my room, you sexy little thing
29th September 2008, Monday
Went out with my girlfriends to break fast together and they brought their boyfriends along. I don't mind really, i mean hey i'm single but so what? Maybe i'll bag myself some hot F1 crew along the way.
Which didn't happen by the way. Let me sidetrack for a while. Have you seen some of the F1 crews? Tee hee, they're so much hotter than the racers themselves. BTW, congratulations Singapore for hosting a very successful F1 event. Haha, okay. Let's move on from all this F1 hype.
As i was saying, i don't mind being the only single girl around all my attached friends. Somehow i have a hunch that Amy is feeling a little bad about me being the only single one. She don't have to say it, it's just thati can see it in her eyes whenever she say, "I'm so glad i'm out with my babes, along with our boyfriends.".
I know she meant well. She just wants me to be happy but i'm not not happy when i'm single, you know. She's my friend so i know she have my best interest at heart. And then she started talking about Rob, as if feeling sorry for me isn't bad enough.
Sidetrack: I miss Rob by the way. Been a while since we last chatted. Oh well, it's okay, he's probably to busy to miss me anyway. Nah, i know he miss me but i can't possibly expect him to tell me every single day. Wait, unless he have new fans then he won't even think about me. *brushes off the idea*
So the Rob topic become a discussion on why i don't date Singaporean guys anymore.
It's so funny that she said that because it's not as if i planned on not dating Singapore guys but most people who are attracted to me are non Asians. Amy went on saying that i'm not giving Asian guys a chance to get to know me and vice versa. Honestly, that's not true. I let Asian guys try to get to know me but if the're not interested than what i am to do?
I can't possibly go up to them and say, "Hey i'm in need of more Asian guys then foreigners, you wanna go out on a date?". Haha yeah, i don't think so.
Seriously, i don't know why Asian guys don't like me. I'm pretty awesome right? The only reason i can think of is that they're intimidated by me. I'm just way too awesome for them. Haha, either that or they think they're too good for me. If that's the case then please, i don't want any of that.
I think non Asian guys, like British or American people are more open to how beauty is supposed to be. Unlike Asian guys, they're not afraid or intimidated by smart girls. They are more open to honesty and opinions that are different from theirs. And unlike Asian guys, they are more sensitive to emotional needs rather than just physical.
That's what i think anyway. If you all have different opinions from me, feel free to drop me a comment or two. I would love to hear what you all think.
But what i'm trying to say is that, i don't want you people to feel sad or bad for me just because i'm single. It's my choice to be unattached and i like the way i am right now.
Right now, i don't see any guys that i truly wanna be with. Wait, well there's someone but that's another story for another time.
Talk to you all later. Muacks!
30th September 2008, Tuesday
Clip on extensions sucks.
I don't know if i've mentioned about me wanting to do extensions but i did. And wanting to please my raging curiosity, i did 10 strands of copper brown and 3 strands of red, which only cost me $13 in total.
I liked it the first few hours but after that, i regretted the decision of even thinking about doing extensions. The clips keep on tugging on my hair, shampooing and conditioner was a chore, and combing have become a hassle.
I loved the colours though, especially the red. And the girls at the shop was cute and friendly. I forgot the shop name sorry.
So my verdict on clip on hair extensions? I prefer my real hair and i will NEVER wanna do hair extensions ever again!
Though, i wanna put crystals on my hair, which cost about $3 per crystal. Hm, i would probably hate it after doing it.
Forget about it! Haha, i'll just leave with my beautiful long flowy locks. Thank you very much. *grin*
P/S: I am complaining about my hair to myself as i'm typing this.
I changed my Asience Shampoo to Sunsilk Hair Fall control solution. Just saying, incase what i use on my tresses mean something to some people. Hehe, just kidding.
1st October 2008, Wednesday
First day of Hari Raya Puasa. Just incase you all don't know what Hari Raya Puasa is, it is a month to celebrate the Muslim's so-called-achievement for being able to complete a month of fasting. No significant event whatsoever.
So first and foremost, i would like to wish all Muslim readers Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Have a good visit and take care of yourself. Don't take too much of those carbonated beverages, it's loaded with calories! Tee hee!
Here's the tradition, CHILDREN who are still schooling will get money packets from adults. Usually, they'll stop giving you money when you reach about 18 or 19, no matter if you're schooling or not. I'm 21, 22 almost, but i still got money. Haha, see that's why i love my family. Even if i meet my dad's family once a year, i still got money from them. Woo hoo or what?!
Next year, i'll probably be the one who have to give them money. Booo!
Oh! I think i might be in love. With this 9 month old boy. He's so adorable, so cute and so friendly. I fell in love with him instantly when i carried him.
Oh no, i feel my biological clock ticking! Haha, no i'm just kidding but playing with him makes me want kids even more. So anyone wanna be my baby daddy? I feel my maternal instinct bubbling up inside of me, almost a natural. Haha, i'm gonna adopt myself a baby in 2 years time! Look out for that okay!
Bye for now!
2nd October 2008, Thursday
Stayed at home.
I'm tired, sleep deprived and in pain. My tummy, my nose, my back and my head. IN PAIN!Yeah i have pills, but i'm not taking any.
Can i miss you? No?
Take care now. Will update blog very soon! Muacks!