Saturday, January 31, 2009
I didn't eat last night because i don't wanna get any fatter. Shut up, i know i'm already fat. Who cares what you think anyway. Fuck off!
Ha, sorry, i get grumpy when i'm hungry.
I've never been so hungry in my whole entire life! Wait, have i? Hmm, oh yeah. When i consume juse 3 apples a day for 2 weeks.
That's another story. BYE!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Well anyhoo, my area of Yishun is notoriously deserted around that night, and people have told their stories of ghosts sightings. In particular a Pontianak, or also known as a vampire.
No no, not Cullens type vampires. Jeesh *rolls eyes*
Well anyhoo, back to my story. There's this tree outside my kitchen window, which is directly in view with anyone's sight when anyone is standing at my kitchen window, and it looks pretty creepy at night, with the lamp post light reflecting on the leaves.
Usually when i go home that late, Uncle Joe (Linsy's dad) will send me right infront of my doorstep but yesterday i went home alone since Uncle Joe isn't at home.
I have this habit of looking around, and looking at tress when i'm walking. I know it's not good to look at tress at night but it's a bad habit. So i was walking and looking around when suddenly i noticed something white in the tress.
Without even taking a second look on what the hell it could be, i rushed my way to my block. Thank goodness there's some biker boys there or i'll be scared shit, seriously. So when i get home, i woke my mom up to accompany me to the toilet. I think my mom was a little puzzled as to why i woke her up cause usually i don't.
Well when i woke up this morning, i was checking the tree again and the thing is still there. Guess what i saw?

Haha, a freaking towel. It's so hilarious how your imagination can get the best of you at night. Hm, Hannah is right. Watching too many scary movies will bring about unnecessary fears.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
You people need to get laid man, SERIOUSLY!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Papercuts and skinned heels
Well anyway, as some of you all know i'm doing a temporary job at Linsy's workplace, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement Pte Ltd.
It's been a while since i woke up early. I mean, 6:45am i have to be up and need to be at the 169 bus stop at around 8 ish. I used to wake up like 3pm if there's nothing for me to do. Now i have to try to sleep so early. That sucks, seriously, cause i'm a night owl.
Well anyway, first day was hectic. I had tons and tons of registration to do. The people in my office are nice though, so it made the work a little more relaxed. It's never fun though cause i have to deal with numbers and codes and invoices. After 4 hours of looking at papers all day, all the numbers look the same to me.
Haha, no worries, i double and triple check my work now cause i don't want to have any mistakes.
So what else happen on first day. OH! Haha my shoes totally melted. Okay, not really melted but the seams burst i think and my heels are like the shiny plastic type so it kinda looked melted. Linsy and i were 3/4 of the way to the MRT station, but i didn't wanna go home with that kinda shoe so we kinda did a U-turn. I have to go home with Linsy's huge flip flop. Haha, i think i stumbled a few times.
Well anyhoo when i get home, i was in tears. I have no idea why i was crying, but i think all the numbers and all the codes drained all my energy. Hey, first day syndrome, what do you expect!
Second day, i have to do some sorting and photocopying some documents. It's still a lot of work but not as tiring as the first day. My skin on my feet tore cause my heel strap was cutting into it. Stupid, i know.
Today, third day was better. I was getting really efficient, and fast too. Didn't cry today! Tee hee.
Sorry if i don't talk to any of you that much anymore. I've been busy at work that i have NO TIME at all to go into MSN. I don't stay online after midnight anymore so, i'll talk to you all during the weekends okay!
For the next post, i will post some pictures of cubicle and the paperwork i have to do the past three days.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
She's in the internet too? That's cause she finally got a wireless router. Haha.
I know it's not a juicy news, but i wanna blog about it.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Jobs jobs jobs, i need to work!
Yes, what i'm trying to say is, i'm becoming stupider staying at home all day. Thank goodness for Sudoku, Word Search and books! If i don't do that kind, i think i'll be like Paris Hilton in the brains department, totally useless.
Linsy is recommending me for the temp job at her place. It's only for a month, but hey, it's better than nothing. Atleast i can get some G's yo! *DJ scratching sound* Yeah, forget i said that.
I'm actually still waiting for the job Kak Yan recommended me but they haven't called so i think it's better for me to accept the Data Entry job that Linsy offered, since i have done it before.
If i still don't get a job by the end of the month, i'm thinking of trying out Kinokuniya Book Store as a part timer and if i like it, i'm gonna try to go full time.
Hmm, plans plans plans. Cool huh.
Quiz 9
You Are Very Skeptical |
![]() Your personal motto is: "Prove it." While some ideas, like life after death, may seem nice... You aren't going to believe them simply because it feels good. You let science and facts be your guide... Even if it means you don't share the beliefs of those around you. |
You Are A Thoughtful Idealist |
![]() You are scared of new experiences. It's hard for you to break outside of your comfort zone. You like to think that people see you as intellectual and wise. You consider yourself to be very smart. You are a very romantic person. You can't help but see the world as it should be. Right now, you feel like the whole world is open to you. You see lots of possibilities. Overall, your life is calm and steady. Not much stirs you, and each day is full of joy. You are extremely optimistic about the future. You feel like things are always getting better. |
Your Personality at 35,000 Feet Is Thoughtful and Contemplative |
![]() Deep down, you prefer spending time alone to spending time with others. You enjoy thinking more than talking. You are good with your place in the world. You are confident and comfortable with who you are. Your gift is having good ears. You are naturally musical, and you pick up foreign languages easily. You are inspired by what is possible. Real life is often too ordinary for you. It's very easy for you to feel happy. You can find peace with any situation. |
You Are a Tiny Tease |
![]() You like to flirt and show off your body, but what confident woman doesn't. You enjoy male attention, and you're usually pretty good at not leading men on. However, there are times when you get carried away with your sexy behavior. It's okay to use your amazing flirting powers for good - but never for evil! |
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Keep the fuck away from me and learn to trust the words i say
They're acting so freaking weirdly. Mood swings, sudden outbursts, dramatic reactions, not to mention, isolation.
Like wow,
They get so mad that their heads are clouded with rage and vengeance (shut up, i know using the word vengeance is exaggerating) that they
Oh well, to each his or her own. We don't understand their situations anyway. Or so they claimed *rolls eyes*
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Okay, i know i'm weird. It's just something i do to calm myself and to reason myself when i'm about to do something stupid. Or maybe to make me feel better.
I name her Eryanna.
So if whenever we go out and it seems like i'm having a conversation with Eryanna, ignore me.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Some search, never finding a way
Linsy and I were talking about religion on the way home from buying nuggets the other day. Haha, i know i don't have to say what we were doing at that time but whatever, i want to.
Well i mean, i get what Linsy was trying to say about religion and GOD. I guess she made a little sense when she say "If i know someone is watching my every move, i'd be wary of what i wanna do.", and in this case that "someone" she's talking about is God.
I respect Linsy's view and opinions when she said that religion brings us to the right path. Religion will tell us what is right and what it wrong, and in turn with that thinking, we'll do the right thing.
I don't know. I respect her views but i don't necessarily agree with it.
What we think right and wrong have nothing to do with religion, in my opinion. It's something to do with our moral values. It's what we learned from the way we were brought up.
I think religion is just there to guide us but not define who we are. Who we are changes with the experience we have in life.
Moral values and principles, i believe, is nurture. What you believe, what you think and how you act is almost a hands on experience of what you have learnt in the important stages of your life.
I don't know. Having this religion thing kinda make people segregate themselves without knowing. It restrains you from being who you really are, because "your religion doesn't allow you to".
Hm, i seriously think we should not let religion tell us who to be and what to do. Yeah, i know these religions will "bring us to the right path" but seriously, will they? They say God is just, and never changing. Really? Think about it, or rather read about it. Bibles, Quran, scriptures all show the evolution of this God. Just you say? Most scriptures leave out all the bad things, the rape, the holocaust, the everything.
Wow, don't even get me started on all the contradictions of theories from different holy books. There's just so many versions of the same story and i think it's crap to really pinpoint which religion is right or wrong.
I'm a born Muslim, cause i'm born in the Muslim family. Sometimes i think that religion is being forced to us, irregardless if you believe it or not. I believe we all should make our own decision when it comes to religion, if you ever decide to be in one. Study each religion and just choose which one is close or spot on to your beliefs. Isn't that much better?
But hey, whatever you know. To each his or her own. I'm not here to start a religion debate with you readers, i'm just here to state my opinion. Although however, i will not apologize if this post offends anybody.
Take care!
Friday, January 09, 2009
Something random
Haha, i know it's pretty random. As the tradition goes, when two people are under a mistletoe, they would have to kiss each other, under no circumstances are they suppose to reject the tradition.
And in movies, they conveniently places a guy and a girl that happen to have secret feelings for each other under the mistletoe. Yeah, you all guess what happened next.
Now, my question is this.
What if, by a very wicked twist of fate, two straight guys happen to be talking under a mistletoe? What would happen then?
Hmmmmm *wonder*
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Robert James Hoffman III
Robert James Hoffman III. Well what can i say about him, he's cute, funny and he can dance.
He's really good with the come backs too.
Okay, i'm just gonna post a couple of videos of him dancing, wildstyling and maybe some of his vlogs.
If you all wanna watch the whole videos, do visit Believe me, you won't be disappointed with the videos.
Well, everyone ENJOY!
Let's start with him dancing, shall we? *smiles* For the last two videos of this category, do wait for it okay. It might start off disgusting or insulting but the last part of the videos are the dance. So wait for it.
Next up are videos of him being James Precious. Both Linsy and me agreed that he make a very awesome gay. But just so everyone don't be misunderstood. HE'S NOT GAY.
Here's he with his witty comebacks. Lets see.

Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it
Arun said i'm pretty. Hehe, shut up. No TP guys ever called me pretty before so it's a big deal.
Anyway Arun, here's a picture you requested. Haha, i feel so pampered!

ADTC Blog: Jan 7 says:
it's a nice photo and i said you look prettier than last time. that's why
Arynne Vengeance says:
ADTC Blog: Jan 7 says:
u know, ur thick frame specs take away ur beauty. makes u look.. er.. normal..
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Your ass is mine, bitch!
Yeah, that one.
After i found out about what she said, i gave her a cold shoulder. I stopped smiling, talking and even stopped looking at her. I guess she noticed, cause you wanna know why?
The past few days, she's been buying me my favourite things. Chicken pie from Polar, dark chocolate amongst other stuff.
Hmm, wonder if she's waving the white flag. Or maybe she's trying to make me gain weight again. Haha cause i lost quite a few, thanks to a very effective tea.
Not gonna tell you all what tea it is. Yeah i'm selfish so fuck you! Haha
Anyways Rehan, i will surely start posting some insulting and juicy blogposts. Haha, but for now, this will do.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Bad ass mother fucker... in a good way
Monday, January 05, 2009
Friday, January 02, 2009
Quiz 8
Your Snow Test Says You're Independent |
![]() You feel like something good will happen to you in the next few weeks. You love to work, especially when work is creative. You have the makings of a successful artist. You are an independent, individualistic person. You thrive when you're doing your own thing. Your biggest worry in life is your family. You stay up at night thinking about them. When it comes time to relax, you have no problem letting go. You are already pretty relaxed as is! |
What Your Taste in Chocolate Says About You |
![]() You are sophisticated, modern, and high class. Your taste is refined, but you are not picky. You are often the first to try something new. You are honest and straight forward. You have a distinct personality, and you make your opinions known. And while people like that you keep it real, you can come off as judgmental. You love being by yourself and thinking. Developing your own theories and ideas is fun. You feel lost when you're forced to be social. Being with other people can be lonely for you. |
You Feel at Peace With Your Family |
![]() You feel a bit sensitive and wary around your family. Your relationship with them has been rough in the past, and things are still on the mend. You have confidence in your family to take care of itself and make good decisions. You especially have this confidence in the younger generation. While your parents made mistakes, you forgive them and accept them for who they are. You get teased a lot by your family. You usually don't mind being the butt of jokes, but sometimes you feel picked on. |
Your Pride Quotient: 69% |
![]() You're beyond proud - you think you're honorary royalty. And while you may be nice on occasion, it's usually just to get what you want. |
You Are a Vampire |
![]() You are charming, sensual, and even a bit manipulative. You can't help but get people to do what you want. You have sharp senses and a strong predatory instinct. You go after what you want, without mercy. While you have the heart of a killer, many people are drawn to you. You are elegant, timeless, and mysterious. You are the ultimate fantasy object. |
You Are Pretty Logical |
![]() You're a bit of a wizard when it comes to logic While you don't have perfect logic, you logic is pretty darn good Keep at it - you've got a lot of natural talent in this area! |
Thursday, January 01, 2009
K, i'm just here to wish everyone that. I'm not gonna be like last year, posting a super long new year post, thanking everyone and stating each and every new year resolutions i made for the year.
Haha, i'm not here to reminisce or to be all touchy feely.
But let's just say goodbye to 2008.
Favourite Twilight scenes
And some other Twilight-related videos. Haha
Some people are so lame

Well let me tell you a story about a home wrecker.
My family was fine until my mum befriended this rich bitch wannabe. Okay, like seriously, that's my personal story so i'm not gonna go in depth.
Well this person (pictured up) said i take very ugly photos. Why? Because i like to take photos such as the ones at the end of this post.
Like seriously bitch, if you've got something to say, and not happy with me about something, say it to my face. Do NOT make me say what's on my mind cause you seriously will fucking hate it. I didn't say anything to you not because i'm scared of you, but it's because i respect my mum and you're my mum's friend. If you wanna talk bad about me to my mum, atleast use your already small brain. Don't talk shit about me cause if i ever hear you myself, you're not gonna like the consequences.
Fuck you. I'd say you're jealous cause you're already fucking old and no one wants you. That is the fucking reason why you still stick to my mum. Fuck you! You're just fucking jealous cause i'm still young and know how to have fun.
If you think you're so hot and so beautiful, why the fucking hell are you still single? Cause you wanna know why? You talk shit bitch, you really do.
You're stupid and you have no fucking idea how much i wanna punch you in your retarded face.
I have never said anything bad about you, so don't start a war with me. You won't like it. Fuck you bitch!
If i hear you talk smack about me one more time, and for an unforeseen reason i got to hear it, you watch out.