Haha, how nice. My first hate tag message in a long time.
Here's a suggestion hate taggers, the next time you wanna leave something insulting, inappropriate, or totally out of context, leave your name.
Not leaving your name and hiding behind the IP address (which is totally traceable, by the way. Like i said, I'm not as dumb with technology as i seemed to be. I did get A for my Technology Fundamentals), makes you look really stupid. Aside from stupid, you also look really gutless.
Wow, is that what the world have become to? Full of people who lack brain cells and courage? Can't blame them.
When you're insulting someone better than you, you'd rather not identify yourself to give you that sense of authority and upper hand.
Too bad it doesn't work on me.
Anywayz, meeting my girlfriends at Sentosa this evening. Can't wait, really. Thanx Sikin for offering to buy the tickets first. Appreciate it lots.
And all other girlpals (Rini, Huda, Zuzi, etc etc), we should meet up real soon. Been talking about meeting up, but we have planned nothing yet. This time, we really should.
So yeah, I'll probably do a live Twitter Updates when I'm in Sentosa. Keyword here is PROBABLY. Haha, so follow me if you like or just keep coming back here to check my updates.
Love all 3 of you who are still following my blog. Haha
Question of the day for today. What do you, bloggers, think of hate-taggers?
Answer, or not. Just leave a comment. Toorah
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
YouTubers are sick people
So anyways, i have 5 subscribers on my YouTube account. Which really puzzles me cause aside from the 22 videos that i uploaded ages ago, i haven't been really making anymore videos.
Except for the ones i've uploaded in Facebook, which i didn't upload in YouTube. Maybe i will start a vlog in YouTube one day, when i invest in an awesome video camera.
Go to my account to watch the video. Username: ArynneVengeance
Leads me to wonder what youtubers search for. So my Question Of The Day is this, what do you, youtube users, search for while on YouTube?
It could be as simple as laughing babies, or as creepy as Evil Nazi Robots who are also Zombies (credits to PhillyD, go check him on YouTube, he is AWESOME). You know, could be girls on girls action, or two girls one cup (shame on you people who watch this, haha).
But yeah, leave a post comment or a tag message and we'll see what you guys have to say.
Till then, toorah!
Except for the ones i've uploaded in Facebook, which i didn't upload in YouTube. Maybe i will start a vlog in YouTube one day, when i invest in an awesome video camera.
Anyhoo, my intention for writing this short post was to tell you that amongst the 22 uploaded videos that i have in my YouTube account, one of the most viewed videos from my account was titled "TORTURING THE BIRTHDAY GIRL".
Which wasn't a real torture cause it only involves, a birthday girl, 5 of her closest friends, heels, a winding flight of stairs and a very heavy birthday box.
Leads me to wonder what youtubers search for. So my Question Of The Day is this, what do you, youtube users, search for while on YouTube?
It could be as simple as laughing babies, or as creepy as Evil Nazi Robots who are also Zombies (credits to PhillyD, go check him on YouTube, he is AWESOME). You know, could be girls on girls action, or two girls one cup (shame on you people who watch this, haha).
But yeah, leave a post comment or a tag message and we'll see what you guys have to say.
Till then, toorah!
When hope begins to fade...
I want someone to care about me. Hold me and tell me I'm everything he's ever wanted, and never will he let me go.
Holding on is a challenge but it's something I'm willing to take. Is that decision mutual, i wonder sometimes. It gets hard and it seems so easy to just let go and move on, but letting go of something or someone that you care about, something or someone that means so much to you is much harder.
If i promise to never give up, will you promise to do the same?
Love you Boo, loads. Even though we fight about the most stupidest thing. It's hard being in this long distance thing. But one thing's for sure Baby, you can tell Mummy Boo that she can trust me not to hurt you.
Do you promise to do the same?
P/S: Sorry about the outburst other readers. This is my only outlet. People will never understand.
Holding on is a challenge but it's something I'm willing to take. Is that decision mutual, i wonder sometimes. It gets hard and it seems so easy to just let go and move on, but letting go of something or someone that you care about, something or someone that means so much to you is much harder.
If i promise to never give up, will you promise to do the same?
Love you Boo, loads. Even though we fight about the most stupidest thing. It's hard being in this long distance thing. But one thing's for sure Baby, you can tell Mummy Boo that she can trust me not to hurt you.
Do you promise to do the same?
P/S: Sorry about the outburst other readers. This is my only outlet. People will never understand.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sentosa Spooktacular
Well hey everyone!
Guess where my girls and i are gonna be for Halloween? Yeap, Sentosa babyyyy!!
Haha, i know right. We've been to Sentosa for like 4 or 5 times this year, we must love the beach ALOT. Anywayz, Sentosa is organizing a Spooktacular kind of haunted house party, i guess. Haha, it's not really a party.
But we're going to Wave House after that. Woohoo, fake waves, real surfers baby! Haha, I'm just kidding. We're probably gonna go to the Art Museum.
Well anyway, i don't know what to wear for this Sentosa Halloween thing. Should i dress up or just wear what i whatever i have since it's gonna be at Sentosa.
The event is gonna be from 7:30pm to 10:30pm, so girls, what say you?
I should think about what to wear right, just incase the girls decide to dress up. Maybe I'll be a slutty nurse? Or a seductive vampire. Or maybe I'll just dress up as the girl who don't bother to dress up for Halloween. Haha, yeah yeah?
Anyway, if you have any ideas what i should be for Halloween, just incase the girl decide to dress up, leave me a comment.
So yeap, that's Question of the day for today. What kind of costume do you girls/guys want to see me in?
Guess where my girls and i are gonna be for Halloween? Yeap, Sentosa babyyyy!!
Haha, i know right. We've been to Sentosa for like 4 or 5 times this year, we must love the beach ALOT. Anywayz, Sentosa is organizing a Spooktacular kind of haunted house party, i guess. Haha, it's not really a party.
But we're going to Wave House after that. Woohoo, fake waves, real surfers baby! Haha, I'm just kidding. We're probably gonna go to the Art Museum.
Well anyway, i don't know what to wear for this Sentosa Halloween thing. Should i dress up or just wear what i whatever i have since it's gonna be at Sentosa.
The event is gonna be from 7:30pm to 10:30pm, so girls, what say you?
I should think about what to wear right, just incase the girls decide to dress up. Maybe I'll be a slutty nurse? Or a seductive vampire. Or maybe I'll just dress up as the girl who don't bother to dress up for Halloween. Haha, yeah yeah?
Anyway, if you have any ideas what i should be for Halloween, just incase the girl decide to dress up, leave me a comment.
So yeap, that's Question of the day for today. What kind of costume do you girls/guys want to see me in?
New routine
I've been having 'Question Of The Day' statuses on my Facebook profile and surprisingly, people do respond. Which i love, of course. I adore any kinds of interactions, whatsoever, especially with someone who i don't talk that much to.
So, my question for you all is this. Would you like me to end with a Question Of The Day?
Well toorah!
So, my question for you all is this. Would you like me to end with a Question Of The Day?
Leave a post comment or a tag comment at the sidebar, but i would like to know what you all think. All 3 of you who are still following my blog. Haha
Well toorah!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
My Classy Closet
Well after months of saying I'm doing a review on MyClassyCloset products, i finally get to sit down and do it. It has been chaotic the past few months, that's why i haven't been blogging so much. Except random rants from time to time. Though you can find me on Twitter where i can give you LIVE updates of what I'm doing.
No Twitter account? Not a problem, I've linked my Twitter Updates at the top right hand corner of my blog, so if you feel like you wanna stalk me and see what I'm doing? Just come back here and check out the section.
Well, before i babble on and on about random things, let us start on the review.
Before i start on anything, i would like to say that i am neither endorsing this nor am i getting paid to do this advertorial. Everyone knows that i will share whatever products or shops that i love as i believe that if it benefits me, it will benefits some of you out there, if not all.
As everyone knows, i am trying to build up on my makeup collections. As much as i do love monster trucks and dirt bikes, i do love dressing up too.
So i was contemplating buying Coastal Scents (CS) products, cause it's much cheaper than all the other well-known, high end products like MAC. As i was surfing this CS website, Sikin (a friend of mine) coincidentally posted a link on Facebook on MyClassyCloset (MCC) website.
Being a curious feline that i am, i decided to check it out, and i instantly fall in love with the products.
So closed CS website and decided to concentrate on MCC website instead. In all honesty, i didn't buy it straightaway cause i was looking for a better palette deal but i can safely say that she sells her palette pretty cheap. Cheaper than the CS palettes + shipping.
If memory serves me right, the owner of the MCC website did say she got it from the same factory that make the CS palette, so you know you're getting good stuff.
The best part? They DO NOT test on animals! And all of you know how i feel about animal cruelty and abuse.
So, let us see what products i got from MCC. I have been using it for the past month, so this review is based on MY experience.
96 Colours Eyeshadow Palette
88 Marble Eyeshadow Palette
28 Neutral Eyeshadow Palette
10 Professional Blusher Palette
Well what's my verdict?
The products are very well pigmented. You don't need to vigorously stick your eyeshadow/blusher brush in the powder to pick up the colour. What i usually do is just pat a few times on my brush and it's good to go. It's THAT pigmented.
But the products are made from really fine powder so expect a little fall out on your cheeks, but it's not alot for it to be noticeable. I'm just very critical to finer details. And make sure you pat the colour on instead of swiping it cause it's REALLY easy to blend.You don't want to over blend it cause it gets muddy.
As they are made from really fine powder, they crack easily if you drop them but if you're like me, and you handle your things really well, it'll be fine.
The products have an expiration date of 3-4 years so, you don't have to worry about storing it for a long time. The plus side of this is that, it's manufactured within 1-2 months prior to your order so, once again, it's very fresh.
It's really safe for sensitive skin. I have sensitive skin and using the products doesn't make me break out in any way. The eyeshadows stays on your eyelids the whole day. The blushers are awesome. It comes in different shades for contouring, for the apples of your cheeks, and also for highlighting. The contouring blushers are matte so you don't have to worry about being too bronze and shiny in the sun.
I used the products for Hari Raya and you all know how hot Singapore can get, but the make up stays on my face the whole day. It's amazing, i can't even fathom the awesomeness of the products. Haha, hey it's not Arynne, if they're no drama.
Just a heads up though, if you have oily lids/face, you might want to prime your lids/face first.
They go off so easily with make up remover/cleansing oil. So you don't have to worry about little particles sticking onto your eyelids after you cleanse your face.
Well let's move on to the brushes. I bought the synthetic brush set called the Purple Valentine. It's made from high quality nylon, so all you vegans out there who are against animal hair brushes might want to try this out.
Purple Valentine 16pc Brush set
Like i said, it's synthetic so the eyeshadows doesn't adhere to the brushes as great as animal hair brushes but it still works well. It's super soft, comparable softness to The Body Shop brushes (and you all know how much i ADORE their brushes).
If you are a little fussy about how much products the eyeshadow can pick up, you could use the synthetic brushes for your cream/mousse products. Or you could pat it in a little water or your fix-plus. That's what i usually do. But other than that, i really like the brushes.
You can check out another customer's review (Fara) on the same brush set, here.
So in conclusion, i do RECOMMEND this website. It's affordable, it's high-quality and the owner of the website is VERY friendly and VERY helpful. The service is to die for, that's why i keep coming back.
Girls, if you are like me, just starting with the make up hobby, or if you're a freelancer, i would definitely tell you to buy those products. Even guys, if you're looking to buy your girlfriends something they will love.
Hey Christmas is coming, so it would make a really nice gift, for those who are into collecting makeup. And she does offer monthly promotions so keep checking that site out.
I have put a link of the website at my sidebar under "Internet Treasure" so if you're really interested in purchasing some of the items I've mentioned above (or other awesome items that are on the site), you could go to the link and/or email her at myclassycloset@hotmail.com.
P/S: Pictures of products are taken from the website itself, cause I'm just too broke to buy myself a decent camera. Haha
No Twitter account? Not a problem, I've linked my Twitter Updates at the top right hand corner of my blog, so if you feel like you wanna stalk me and see what I'm doing? Just come back here and check out the section.
Well, before i babble on and on about random things, let us start on the review.
Before i start on anything, i would like to say that i am neither endorsing this nor am i getting paid to do this advertorial. Everyone knows that i will share whatever products or shops that i love as i believe that if it benefits me, it will benefits some of you out there, if not all.
As everyone knows, i am trying to build up on my makeup collections. As much as i do love monster trucks and dirt bikes, i do love dressing up too.
So i was contemplating buying Coastal Scents (CS) products, cause it's much cheaper than all the other well-known, high end products like MAC. As i was surfing this CS website, Sikin (a friend of mine) coincidentally posted a link on Facebook on MyClassyCloset (MCC) website.
Being a curious feline that i am, i decided to check it out, and i instantly fall in love with the products.
So closed CS website and decided to concentrate on MCC website instead. In all honesty, i didn't buy it straightaway cause i was looking for a better palette deal but i can safely say that she sells her palette pretty cheap. Cheaper than the CS palettes + shipping.
If memory serves me right, the owner of the MCC website did say she got it from the same factory that make the CS palette, so you know you're getting good stuff.
The best part? They DO NOT test on animals! And all of you know how i feel about animal cruelty and abuse.
So, let us see what products i got from MCC. I have been using it for the past month, so this review is based on MY experience.
96 Colours Eyeshadow Palette
88 Marble Eyeshadow Palette
28 Neutral Eyeshadow Palette
10 Professional Blusher Palette
Well what's my verdict?
The products are very well pigmented. You don't need to vigorously stick your eyeshadow/blusher brush in the powder to pick up the colour. What i usually do is just pat a few times on my brush and it's good to go. It's THAT pigmented.
But the products are made from really fine powder so expect a little fall out on your cheeks, but it's not alot for it to be noticeable. I'm just very critical to finer details. And make sure you pat the colour on instead of swiping it cause it's REALLY easy to blend.
As they are made from really fine powder, they crack easily if you drop them but if you're like me, and you handle your things really well, it'll be fine.
The products have an expiration date of 3-4 years so, you don't have to worry about storing it for a long time. The plus side of this is that, it's manufactured within 1-2 months prior to your order so, once again, it's very fresh.
It's really safe for sensitive skin. I have sensitive skin and using the products doesn't make me break out in any way. The eyeshadows stays on your eyelids the whole day. The blushers are awesome. It comes in different shades for contouring, for the apples of your cheeks, and also for highlighting. The contouring blushers are matte so you don't have to worry about being too bronze and shiny in the sun.
I used the products for Hari Raya and you all know how hot Singapore can get, but the make up stays on my face the whole day. It's amazing, i can't even fathom the awesomeness of the products. Haha, hey it's not Arynne, if they're no drama.
Just a heads up though, if you have oily lids/face, you might want to prime your lids/face first.
They go off so easily with make up remover/cleansing oil. So you don't have to worry about little particles sticking onto your eyelids after you cleanse your face.
Well let's move on to the brushes. I bought the synthetic brush set called the Purple Valentine. It's made from high quality nylon, so all you vegans out there who are against animal hair brushes might want to try this out.
Purple Valentine 16pc Brush set
Like i said, it's synthetic so the eyeshadows doesn't adhere to the brushes as great as animal hair brushes but it still works well. It's super soft, comparable softness to The Body Shop brushes (and you all know how much i ADORE their brushes).
If you are a little fussy about how much products the eyeshadow can pick up, you could use the synthetic brushes for your cream/mousse products. Or you could pat it in a little water or your fix-plus. That's what i usually do. But other than that, i really like the brushes.
You can check out another customer's review (Fara) on the same brush set, here.
So in conclusion, i do RECOMMEND this website. It's affordable, it's high-quality and the owner of the website is VERY friendly and VERY helpful. The service is to die for, that's why i keep coming back.
Girls, if you are like me, just starting with the make up hobby, or if you're a freelancer, i would definitely tell you to buy those products. Even guys, if you're looking to buy your girlfriends something they will love.
Hey Christmas is coming, so it would make a really nice gift, for those who are into collecting makeup. And she does offer monthly promotions so keep checking that site out.
I have put a link of the website at my sidebar under "Internet Treasure" so if you're really interested in purchasing some of the items I've mentioned above (or other awesome items that are on the site), you could go to the link and/or email her at myclassycloset@hotmail.com.
P/S: Pictures of products are taken from the website itself, cause I'm just too broke to buy myself a decent camera. Haha
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Long overdue
I know i promised to show all of you what i bought Phil for his birthday. Well here goes. I actually have to wait for his pictures, and he took a bloody long time to take one. So everyone, blame him.
Haha, kidding baby. Love ya.
I know it looks like nothing, but what matters is that he loves it.
P/S: The Spongebob doll is for his little brother, JB.
P/P/S: Boo, you still owe me one more picture.
Haha, kidding baby. Love ya.
I know it looks like nothing, but what matters is that he loves it.
P/S: The Spongebob doll is for his little brother, JB.
P/P/S: Boo, you still owe me one more picture.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Obama's coming to Singapore! I think...
Well, that's what i've been hearing anyway. And reading all over Yahoo's news.
Imagine that. Obama, coming to good old Singapore. Haha, nyeah it's for the APEC meeting i think.
I hope i get to meet him. Though, i think it's gonna be close to impossible. He's probably gonna have millions of people around him and by the time i'm like 100 feet away from him, i'll get arrested. Haha, i'm just kidding.
I don't care what everyone say about him, but i really like this guy. I mean, respect. I think people should just give him a little more time to prove himself.
Of course, he's made some poor judgments and went back a little on his words, but i mean, come on. Admit it, he's like one of the most influential leaders of all time. That's why you all voted for him. *winks*
Yeah anyway, miracle don't happen overnight. Rome wasn't built in a day. Okay, enough with the cliches, you all get what i mean.
What i'm trying to say is that, he's a way better president than SOMEONE. I don't wanna point any fingers lest i wanna get sued. Haha.
The Nobel Peace prize was a little shocker for me though. I mean, i don't think he deserve the prize, just yet. I know it's old news but since we're talking about Obama, i figured i'd punch in this topic in the post.
I don't know.
Anywayzzz, you people shouldn't be so hard on President Obama.
I'd like to work for him one day. Once again, close to impossible. Haha, i don't know, i just think he's full of great ideas and great teachings. If only he can make full use of it. Again people, give him a chance.
So hopefully while President Obama is surfing the Internet or tweeting, he'll stumble upon my blog and give me a chance to work for him.
Haha, dream on Arynne.
Anywayz, i'll do a review on MyClassyCloset products on weekend, during my relaxing hours. I know guys are probably gonna hate me doing makeup and girly products reviews. So i'm thinking, for every reviews i make, i'm gonna leave a surprise at the end of the post for all you guys.
Look out for it, and read you all laters lovelies!
Imagine that. Obama, coming to good old Singapore. Haha, nyeah it's for the APEC meeting i think.
I hope i get to meet him. Though, i think it's gonna be close to impossible. He's probably gonna have millions of people around him and by the time i'm like 100 feet away from him, i'll get arrested. Haha, i'm just kidding.
I don't care what everyone say about him, but i really like this guy. I mean, respect. I think people should just give him a little more time to prove himself.
Of course, he's made some poor judgments and went back a little on his words, but i mean, come on. Admit it, he's like one of the most influential leaders of all time. That's why you all voted for him. *winks*
Yeah anyway, miracle don't happen overnight. Rome wasn't built in a day. Okay, enough with the cliches, you all get what i mean.
What i'm trying to say is that, he's a way better president than SOMEONE. I don't wanna point any fingers lest i wanna get sued. Haha.
The Nobel Peace prize was a little shocker for me though. I mean, i don't think he deserve the prize, just yet. I know it's old news but since we're talking about Obama, i figured i'd punch in this topic in the post.
I don't know.
Anywayzzz, you people shouldn't be so hard on President Obama.
I'd like to work for him one day. Once again, close to impossible. Haha, i don't know, i just think he's full of great ideas and great teachings. If only he can make full use of it. Again people, give him a chance.
So hopefully while President Obama is surfing the Internet or tweeting, he'll stumble upon my blog and give me a chance to work for him.
Haha, dream on Arynne.
Anywayz, i'll do a review on MyClassyCloset products on weekend, during my relaxing hours. I know guys are probably gonna hate me doing makeup and girly products reviews. So i'm thinking, for every reviews i make, i'm gonna leave a surprise at the end of the post for all you guys.
Look out for it, and read you all laters lovelies!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
To all my hardcore friends. and devoted fans.
Apologize for the dancy tunes in my playlist. I've been in a party mood this month.
Will do a review on Majolica Majorca eyeliner and mascara soon. Also MyClassyCloset's palettes and brushes.
Have fun!
Friday, October 16, 2009
For all you fans. HAHA
I finally know how to post updates from Twitter to my blog, all by myself. MHM, i'm awesome and you know you love me.
Anyway just in case i don't update my blog often, just check out my Twitter to see what's going on with me LIVE.
Yeap, i can text my twits and it'll show up on the Twitter Updates.
So have fun people! For all of you who have Twitter, follow me!
P/S: I'm addicted to online shopping. HELP
Anyway just in case i don't update my blog often, just check out my Twitter to see what's going on with me LIVE.
Yeap, i can text my twits and it'll show up on the Twitter Updates.
So have fun people! For all of you who have Twitter, follow me!
P/S: I'm addicted to online shopping. HELP
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Nokia E63
Please note that this blog post is not a review and that i am not paid to make this post. I am basically telling you people what i feel about the phone after about two weeks of using it. Read at your own discretion.
As you all know that i have been using the Nokia E63 phone for the whole two weeks. Well Nokia E63 is a Blackberry inspired phone, with a QWERTY keypad. It's also a sister phone to the madly raved about Nokia E71, only cheaper and slightly reduced feature.
I'm not gonna make a full review on this phone cause you can read it at almost every technology site. Or you could also try brighthand.com.
So anywayz, this is my take on this phone.
I got this phone for S$0, cause i renewed my already expired phone contract. Without a mobile plan, the phone will set you back at S$569 (approximately) at Starhub.
Firstly, i do like the design and it does come in red (also comes in blue and black). That's a huge plus for me cause everyone here knows i LOVE red. Though it is slightly thicker than the sister phone, but i don't mind that at all.
It's nice to the hand as it's not that bulky.
However, the keys are a little hard to press as it's a less dome-shaped than the Nokia E71. I got used to it by the second day, though I'm not as fast at texting like i used to while using a normal keypad phone.
Second downside of this phone is that, it doesn't have thevolume key. So that means if you want to change the volume, you'll need to go to the application and change the volume from there. It's kind of a waste of time for me but the speaker is impeccable!
It gives out awesome sound. As you all know, i LOVE listening to loud music. Metal and rock especially, and the sound is as good as it gets. Not even a single static, or overly bass-ed music. I can't complain about the speaker AT ALL.
The camera is okay. I won't praise so much on the camera as there are better non QWERTY camera phones out there but it's actually not that bad. Different modes, settings and easily accessible.
What else.
Oh, and it's really user-friendly, as with all the other Nokia phones. You can access your email real easily, and shortcut buttons are awesome.
So my conclusion?
It's not that bad. If you all are into emails and texting and music loving individuals, and not so much on the camera and other functions, then get it. If all you camwhores and game geeks are looking for a fun phone, then sadly,this isn't the phone for you.
Get it if it's free, but i don't recommend you all buying the full price cause it's not worth it. But i do love the phone, cause I'm pretty minimal. All i do with the phone is text and call, with occasional self-obsessed indulgent.
I'm not an expert reviewer, but if you all need a normal person's opinion, you all know where to find me!
As you all know that i have been using the Nokia E63 phone for the whole two weeks. Well Nokia E63 is a Blackberry inspired phone, with a QWERTY keypad. It's also a sister phone to the madly raved about Nokia E71, only cheaper and slightly reduced feature.
I'm not gonna make a full review on this phone cause you can read it at almost every technology site. Or you could also try brighthand.com.
So anywayz, this is my take on this phone.
I got this phone for S$0, cause i renewed my already expired phone contract. Without a mobile plan, the phone will set you back at S$569 (approximately) at Starhub.
Firstly, i do like the design and it does come in red (also comes in blue and black). That's a huge plus for me cause everyone here knows i LOVE red. Though it is slightly thicker than the sister phone, but i don't mind that at all.
It's nice to the hand as it's not that bulky.
However, the keys are a little hard to press as it's a less dome-shaped than the Nokia E71. I got used to it by the second day, though I'm not as fast at texting like i used to while using a normal keypad phone.
Second downside of this phone is that, it doesn't have the
It gives out awesome sound. As you all know, i LOVE listening to loud music. Metal and rock especially, and the sound is as good as it gets. Not even a single static, or overly bass-ed music. I can't complain about the speaker AT ALL.
The camera is okay. I won't praise so much on the camera as there are better non QWERTY camera phones out there but it's actually not that bad. Different modes, settings and easily accessible.
What else.
Oh, and it's really user-friendly, as with all the other Nokia phones. You can access your email real easily, and shortcut buttons are awesome.
So my conclusion?
It's not that bad. If you all are into emails and texting and music loving individuals, and not so much on the camera and other functions, then get it. If all you camwhores and game geeks are looking for a fun phone, then sadly,
Get it if it's free, but i don't recommend you all buying the full price cause it's not worth it. But i do love the phone, cause I'm pretty minimal. All i do with the phone is text and call, with occasional self-obsessed indulgent.
I'm not an expert reviewer, but if you all need a normal person's opinion, you all know where to find me!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Friday, October 09, 2009
I think something is terribly wrong with my tagboard. Sorry about that everyone. I'll try to fix that problem, but in the mean time, if you all wanna talk just leave a comment on the latest post okay. I'll check it and try to reply to every single one of them.
The tagboard should be working now. Tell me if there's anymore problems with my blog.
P/S: I need a tech-savvy future boyfriend. Haha
The tagboard should be working now. Tell me if there's anymore problems with my blog.
P/S: I need a tech-savvy future boyfriend. Haha
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Noob tweet alert!
Well hello there.
I caved and got myself a Twitter account. I'm still trying to figure out how to tweet from the mobile and receive notifications on my mobile and other stuff on the site. I am also trying to see how to post my tweet on my blog.
So anyone who have any ideas, please tell me. Haha, anyway, follow me okay.
Hehe. Since i know how to tweet from my mobile, i'll update from time to time, but i can't receive notifications yet, so i'll probably reply to your tweets whenever i'm infront of a computer.
So anyway, yeah. Anyone know how to post tweet on the blog, please help me. So until then! Toorah!
I caved and got myself a Twitter account. I'm still trying to figure out how to tweet from the mobile and receive notifications on my mobile and other stuff on the site. I am also trying to see how to post my tweet on my blog.
So anyone who have any ideas, please tell me. Haha, anyway, follow me okay.
Username: ArynneVengeance. (no space)
Hehe. Since i know how to tweet from my mobile, i'll update from time to time, but
So anyway, yeah. Anyone know how to post tweet on the blog, please help me. So until then! Toorah!
I think i might need my monthly dose of dark chocolate. Or i call it, my Happy Drug.
Starting to not like what life holds for me.
I might be an undiagnosed bipolar patient. Haha, i'm just kidding, or am i? *soap opera facial expression*
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
This situation i'm in
Life is playing a trick on my love life and i don't like it one bit.
Sorry i'm not any closer.
Don't get me wrong,i'm not complaining. Nor am i hating my life, i do love my life. Just sometimes, i just want to get away from here. Preferably, with you.
But yes, till then!
P/S: I do love you, baby.
Sorry i'm not any closer.
Don't get me wrong,
But yes, till then!
P/S: I do love you, baby.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
I got the Nokia E63, the sister phone of the E71.
So far so good, and it matches my laptop. Ruby red. blimey!
So far so good, and it matches my laptop. Ruby red. blimey!
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Hey everyone.
I haven't been blogging alot but i'm just gonna tell you all what's coming up next or something.
Anywayz, MyClassyCloset have sent me my orders so basically i have all the things now, and i will make a review of it as soon as i have used the brushes and the new palettes i bought. So far, for the other two palettes, i'm loving it. Seriously. But that's for another story. Haha
And i'm thinking of buying a new phone. So, phone recommendations, anyone?
Just leave a comment or just answer it in my tagboard. Take care all!
I haven't been blogging alot but i'm just gonna tell you all what's coming up next or something.
Anywayz, MyClassyCloset have sent me my orders so basically i have all the things now, and i will make a review of it as soon as i have used the brushes and the new palettes i bought. So far, for the other two palettes, i'm loving it. Seriously. But that's for another story. Haha
And i'm thinking of buying a new phone. So, phone recommendations, anyone?
Just leave a comment or just answer it in my tagboard. Take care all!
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