Well, as you all know we sent our precious dear Hana off to Thailand at the airport. We were walking up the lazy escalator when Linsy thought she spotted Dawn Yang.
Do you all know who Dawn Yang is? I'm sure of it if you perverted guys do somehow read FHM, or if you're somehow the kind of blogger who likes to meddle in someone else's affair, like yours truly.
Just incase you don't know who Dawn Yang is, she's this celebrity blogger who's claim to fame is being the number something sexiest person by FHM. Don't ask me which number, cause i sure as hell don't care. Have been compared to Fiona Xie for the similarities in their looks and also that infamous duel she have with Xiaxue, another celebrity blogger. Wait, did i mention plastic surgery?
Here's a picture of her anyway. How about a before and after? Well i don't care what you all think, im gonna put it anyhoo.
Well anyway, back to the airport story, i don't know if who Linsy saw was Dawn Yang. Don't ask me, i only saw her back. But if that's her, she's pretty tall. I've always thought she was a petite and short woman but i guess i was wrong.
I don't know. The only thing that is going on for her is her skin and her body. Hey even that, she went for breast implants, hence the curves. I guess she IS kinda hot but i think she looks a bit fake. Well of course, with all the plastic surgeries she had.
Listen, i don't have anything against her, seriously and i'm not gonna talk shit about her like Xiaxue did. I believe i am a much nicer person than Xiaxue. Or maybe because i don't her know personally to start talking trash about her.
With that said, i also have nothing against Xiaxue either, infact i do read her blog cause i think she's a witty blogger. Although i think the reason why she got so famous was for her trash talking.
Yeah anyhoo, whatever.
I'm not saying what Xiaxue do is wrong cause hey, i too do insult people in my blog so yes. And as for Dawn Yang, if i have the money like she does, i too will go for plastic surgery.