I think i look rather comfortable here, don't you think? Haha i can't wait to have a kid of my own one day and i really hope i'll make a wonderful parent.
I'm thinking of adopting in two years time but Mummy is against the idea.
Misconception of adoption is that you need to be filthy rich. That's not the case. If you have a steady income, a home and a stable job, you may be qualified. You don't even have to be married, but you have to however show the adoption centre that you're a capable mother and will give a very good home to the baby.
If i were to adopt a baby, i'm gonna adopt a newborn. Still bloody and all. I wanna make sure that the first person the baby see is me. This may sound mean, but i won't let the mother see the baby cause it'll create a bond between them and the mother would most probably changed her mind about giving the baby up for adoption.
Haha, well we'll see now.

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