Though i think i'm gonna rip off some of Linsy's pictures. Tee hee, so people the following pictures were taken, uploaded and edited by the one and only Linsy Thursday!
P/S: She even tag her own name in the photos. Haha but its okay, i'm still using it.
P/P/S: Hey, atleast i'm giving her credits.
Okay, back to the surprise.
It was midnight 9th December 2008, Tuesday. It was Sikin's 21st birthday.
Usually, i'll text message everyone exactly at midnight to wish them a happy birthday, but that day i totally blew her off. I didn't even text message her the whole day.
So in the evening, we went to Bugis to find a present for the birthday girl. Linsy already made one huge ass birthday card with our pictures and our wishes on them. Here's the card.
We still have alot of money left so we decided to find another gift for her. We bought this charm bracelet which you can customize with anything on the charm. We bought her one four leaves clover (hey, what's a charm bracelet without any good luck ornament!) and two charm plates (one with her face on it, and another one is a picture of Minnie Mouse).
I am very happy with their services, the salespeople were very friendly. They will give you opinions on how to get the cheapest price for the bracelet. I'll be more than willing to blog about the shop but due to my absent-mindedness, i lost the name card. I ever forget the name of the shop! Gahhh!
P/S: Rehan, if you know the store and you still have the name card, please pass it to me. Haha thank you!
Well, i would love to show you the picture of the bracelet but Hana is yet to upload the rest of the photos from her digital camera (that is given to her by her beloved boyfie, Arif). Haha sorry, i had to say it.
Well anyhoo, let's skip all the dinner and boring part.
Oh wait, during dinner, we called Afy, the birthday girl's precious boyfie, to help us with the surprise. He didn't know about it until the time we called him. Apparently, the birthday girl was feeling a little sad and was not being too nice with the boyfie.
Thanks Afy for being such a sweetheart! Sorry for being the scapegoat on Sikin's wrath.
Yeah fast forward, fast forward. Oh, stop! Press play!
We arrived at Esplanade, trying our best to avoid the birthday girl cause we don't want her to see us until all of us are there.
Here are the people involved.
Finally, the picture of the girls together after months! I think the last time we all get together
like this was on Hari Raya! But it's okay, i understand. Hana is schooling and the girls are busy with end of the year things at work.
Well for the guys, Wan (Linsy's man) has got down with a bad case of wisdom toothache. As for me, well i'm pretty much single.
Boo hoo, i won't have a new year's eve kiss again this year! Hmm, maybe i should just let the couples go out and i just stay at home. Yeah, maybe i'll do that. But that's another story for another time.
Well i will post the pictures of us crouching down low trying to avoid being seen by the birthday girl. And ALMOST surprising the wrong girl too. Haha, but Hana have not uploaded the photos. I should get a camcorder. Hmm, next year!
Well get to the birthday cake story, shall we?
Basically we went to Starbucks to buy this Moist Chocolate Cake, so since we have alot more budget left, we decided to buy two of them. The cashier was keying in the price of the cake. Here's the scenario
Cashier: One or two, ma'am? (Something like that)
Linsy: Two
Cashier: Hm (as if acknowledging but keyed in just one)
Linsy: (paid while giving Arynne a veryyy puzzled look)
Arynne: (took the change from Linsy) Lets get the hell out of here.
I have to say either the cashier was super confused or super mesmerized by somebody's boobs. Lin*cough*sy! Haha kidding

I have to say, it was the luck of the birthday girl. But hey, all is good.
Wanna see the reaction of the birthday girl when we surprised her? Lets take a look, shall we? Yes, we shall.

The story goes like this. She was crying like a baby because she thought we totally forgotten about her birthday. The only two people who text messaged her was Rehan and Hana. While Rehan totally missed her midnight wish mark, Hana just gave a brief Happy Birthday message. Linsy and I, well, we didn't even gave her a birthday wish.
Awww Sikin Sweetie, you know we will never forget about you. And we love you so much because you're one of our babe.
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