Haha, it's just a little disagreement with Rehan about Edward and Carlisle.
As everyone knows, i ADORE Carlisle Cullen, and as for Rehan, well you guessed it, Edward. UG*cough*LY! Haha
I'm just here to compare to her how Carlisle is so much more good looking than Edward. And also the fact that the real actor Peter Facinelli is still so much dreamier than Robert Pattinson. Nyahaha
Behold and enjoy! *poke tongue out at Rehan* Haha

See what i mean? Nyahaha Edward on the left and Carlisle on the right. Although they may have the same eyes, but everyone gotta admit the daddy is so much hotter. MUCH MUCH HOTTER. Okay paleness aside (since vampires are supposedly pale), the daddy is always much more goodlooking than the son. Wait a minute, haha i think they somehow look similar here. BUT EDWARD IS STILL UGLY. Hahahahahaha sorry Rehan.
I think Robert (left) looked pretty cute in this picture and although Peter (right) looked a little soft (haha, note that i REFUSE to use the word girlish), there's no doubt saying that i still prefer Peter. Okay, i gotta say he's got nice teeth. You know what, haha i think this look is good for him, he SHOULD have stubbles like that. Without it, he looks ugly! Haha and once again, i'm trying to piss Rehan off. Tee hee
Robert (left). One word. UGLY. Haha okay i'm being biased cause i purposely picked out an ugly photo of him to make a point. Peter (right). Hahaha, don't need to wait for it. You all know what i'm gonna say. *DROOOOOOLZZZZ*
Haha, okay Rehan. Lets call it truce. You stick with your Edward/Robert and i stick to my Carlisle/Peter. I will stop calling Edward/Robert ugly and we will both move on. Haha, i don't want to hear you say "Carlise is much better looking than the real actor.". If i hear you say that, i will blog about Edward/Robert again!
Haha, one of the advantages of having a blog is that you can basically attack anyone. Rehan! Go get a blog!
Well anyhoo, just incase you all got bored looking at Edward and Carlisle, i'm gonna post you another Cullen man.
Linsy, this is for you.
Emmet Cullen.
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