Who am i?
That's a good question, isn't it? No matter how well you think you know yourself, you will definitely surprise yourself with the things you can do or whatever else.
First thing's first, I am the daughter of Zainal and Maria. I am the eldest of two, i have a younger brother who is two years younger than me. My parents divorced when i was 12, so basically i just have to start growing up. I love my childhood though, i adore every single minute of it.
So no regrets.
I graduated with a diploma in mechatronics engineering and i was working as a fresh graduate in a shipmanagement company in the finance department for one and a half years before going into the library customer service sector.
What can i say about myself?
I would like to think that i am an honest person, loyal and caring. I try to live by that everyday.
I really do not like liars, or people who lie just to avoid problems. I know people say that the truth hurts, but i REALLY do not like being lied to. Even if i trust you, and then i caught you lying to me, i'd stop trusting you.
I don't give people another chance when they're caught lying or cheating.
I really do not like people who cheat. My father didn't cheat, my uncle didn't cheat. I have seen so many couples who have went through all ups and downs and still love each other every day. I have seen that happening around me that i cannot understand why people have the heart to cheat on their partners.
As cliche as it sounds, if my boyfriend thinks that he likes other girls or his feelings for me have changed, i would prefer for him to let me go.
I don't care if it hurts, i just don't want to find out that he actually cheated on me. Not only would i feel insulted, but my faith in guys, relationship and even soul mate would be gone. FOREVER. Okay, exaggerating but you know what i mean.
What else?
I would die for my parents. I am not stingy when it comes to the people i care about. If i have extra money, and if they need my help, i would definitely help. I would try to buy each of them presents as much as i can.
I have an immense irrational fear of gaining weight. It's really not the fear of being fat, it's the gaining of weight. Wait, pretty much the same right? Haha the thing is, even when i lose a lot of weight, i'd still feel fearful. I feel guilty when i eat, and sometimes i don't even eat. I like the feeling of having an empty stomach so sometimes i starve myself.
I like being in a serious and monogamous relationship, having someone there for me, but i won't die without one. I am happy with myself so, yeah.
I have trouble trusting people, especially those who are really nice to me. I know people think it's normal, so yeah, whatever you say. It is really hard for me and i don't even know why i'm afraid. The trust issues ruined a lot of relationship for me. Those good ones anyway, cause i tend to push them away.
I honestly don't know what started it but, i find it hard to really believe what people say. Not many people can tolerate that, or not many people would actually like to help me with that. They get too tired of me pushing them away, so they leave.
The stupid thing is, when guys treat me badly, i stay.
I just want to have a guy that won't lie to me or cheat on me, you know. Like, just one guy that would actually stick with me even though i can be a major biatch sometimes. Someone who can see past my flaws and insecurities, and would just be there to help me deal with my issues.
I guess if you all wanna know a bit more about me, just read my blog. I am pretty much an open book. If you wanna know something about me that you cannot find in the blog, then yeah, you can ask me.
If by any chance any psychologists or psychiatrists that are reading this post, if you know what's wrong with me, feel free to leave a message.
Have a nice day!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
I've done 105 out of the 132 stupid things
Level 1
(x) Smoked A Cigarette
( ) Smoked A Cigar
(x) Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
(x) Drank Alcohol
Level 2
(x) Am/Been In Love
(x) Been Dumped
(x) Shoplifted
(x) Been Fired
(x) Been In A Fist Fight
Level 3
(x) Had A Crush On An older Person
(x) Skipped School
( ) Slept With A Co-worker
(x) Seen Someone/Something Die
SO FAR: 11
Level 4
(x) Had/Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends
(x) Been To Paris
( ) Been To Spain
(x) Been On A Plane
( ) Thrown Up From Drinking
SO FAR: 14
Level 5
(x) Eaten Sushi
(x) Met Someone BECAUSE Of Facebook
(x) Been in a Mosh Pit
SO FAR: 17
Level 6
( ) Been In An Abusive Relationship
(x) Taken Pain Killers
(x) Love/Loved Someone Who You Cant Have
(x) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
() Made A Snow Angel
SO FAR: 20
Level 7
(x) Had A Tea Party
(x) Flown A Kite
(x) Built A Sand Castle
() Gone mudding
(x) Played Dress Up
SO FAR: 24
SO FAR: 24
Level 8
(x) Jumped Into A Pile Of pillows
() Gone Sledging
(x) Cheated While Playing A Game
(x) Been Lonely
(x) Fallen Asleep At Work/School
SO FAR: 28
Level 9
(x) Watched The Sun Set
(x) Felt An Earthquake
( ) Killed A Snake
SO FAR: 30
Level 10
(x) Been Tickled
() Been Robbed/Vandalized
(x) Been cheated on
(x) Been Misunderstood
SO FAR: 33
Level 11
(x) Won A Contest
( ) Been Suspended From School
(x) Had Detention
(x) Been In A Car/Motorcycle Accident
SO FAR: 36
Level 12
( ) Had/Have Braces
(x) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
(x) Danced in the moonlight
SO FAR: 38
Level 13
(x) Hated The Way You Look
() Witnessed A Crime
(x) Pole Danced
(x) Questioned Your Heart
(x) Been obsessed with post-it-notes
SO FAR: 42
Level 14
(x) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
(x) Been Lost
(x) Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
(x) Swam In The Ocean
(x) Felt Like You Were Dying
SO FAR: 47
Level 15
(x) Cried Yourself To Sleep
(x) Played Cops And Robbers
(x) Recently Colored With Crayons/Colored Pencils/Markers
(x) Sang Karaoke
(x) Paid For A Meal With Only Coins
SO FAR: 52
Level 16
(x) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
(x) Made a Prank Phone Call
(x) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose
(x) Kissed In The Rain
SO FAR: 56
Level 17
() Written A Letter To Santa Claus
(x) Watched The Sun Set/Sun Rise With Someone You Care/Cared About
(x) Blown Bubbles
(x) Made A Bonfire On The Beach or anywhere
SO FAR: 59
Level 18
() Crashed A Party
() Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
(x) Gone Rollerskating/Blading
(x) Had A Wish Come True
( ) Been Humped By A Monkey
SO FAR: 61
Level 19
(x) Worn Pearls
() Jumped Off A Bridge
(x) Swore at the teacher, in front of them
( ) Swam With Dolphins
SO FAR: 63
Level 20
(x) Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/ice Cube
(x) Kissed A Fish
(x) Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes
(x) Ate On A Roof Top
SO FAR: 67
Level 21
(x) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
(x) Done/Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel
(x) Talked On The Phone For More Than 6 Hours
(x) Recently stayed up for a while talking to someone you care about
Level 22
() Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off the Tree
(x) Climbed A Tree
(x) Had/Been In A Tree House.
() Been scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone
SO FAR: 73
Level 23
(x) Believed In Ghosts
(x) Have had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes
() Gone Streaking
(x) Visited Jail
SO FAR: 76
Level 24
(x) Played Chicken
(x) Been Pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
(x) Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger
() Broken A Bone
(x) Been Easily Amused
SO FAR: 80
Level 25
(x) Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later
() Made A Porn Video/Got asked to make one
(x) Caught A Butterfly
(x) Laughed So Hard You Cried
(x) Cried So Hard You Laughed
SO FAR: 84
Level 26
(x) Mooned/Flashed Someone
(x) Had Someone Moon/Flash You
(x) Cheated On A Test
(x) Forgotten Someone's Name
(x) French Braided Someones Hair
() Gone Skinny Dipping
() Been Kicked Out Of Your House
(x) Tried to hurt yourself
SO FAR: 90
Level 27
(x) Rode A Roller Coaster
(x) Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling.
(x) Had A Cavity
(x) Black-Mailed Someone (just for fun)
(x) Been Black Mailed
SO FAR: 95
Level 28
(x) Been Used
(x) Fell Going Up The Stairs
(x) Licked A Cat
(x) Bitten Someone
(x) Licked Someone
SO FAR: 100
Level 29
() Been shot at/or at gunpoint
() Had sex in the rain
(x) Flattened someone's tires
(x) Rode your car/truck until the gas light came on
() Got five dollars or less worth of gas
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
I learned that the person you care for the most will also hurt you the most. They may also do not care about how you feel or the situation they put you in.
I also learned that customer service is a really fun sector to work in. Who said working in the library is boring? You have to deal with different types of patrons, with different needs and different moods everyday. Every hour and even every minute.
I learned that i have much more patience towards people than i thought i had. Believe me, when you are having a bad day, and your patron is also having a bad day, you have to be the bigger person and try to appease the one you're serving.
I thought i really had to bend my back so far back to really make my customers happy with the service i provide, since i have little or no patience at all with friends and family, but i guess it comes naturally. I don't even curse them in my mind or anything. I really do genuinely like serving people.
Who would have thought, huh? I definitely didn't.
I am also learning how to trust people outside my comfort circle. It's a slow process, for sure, but i guess trying won't be so bad. It's definitely scary. The intensity of the fear is beyond something i can comprehend. We'll see, yeah?
Other than that, yeah, i'm just learning about myself more and more each day. The people around me, the friends i have.
That's about it really, so everyone have a nice day!
I also learned that customer service is a really fun sector to work in. Who said working in the library is boring? You have to deal with different types of patrons, with different needs and different moods everyday. Every hour and even every minute.
I learned that i have much more patience towards people than i thought i had. Believe me, when you are having a bad day, and your patron is also having a bad day, you have to be the bigger person and try to appease the one you're serving.
I thought i really had to bend my back so far back to really make my customers happy with the service i provide, since i have little or no patience at all with friends and family, but i guess it comes naturally. I don't even curse them in my mind or anything. I really do genuinely like serving people.
Who would have thought, huh? I definitely didn't.
I am also learning how to trust people outside my comfort circle. It's a slow process, for sure, but i guess trying won't be so bad. It's definitely scary. The intensity of the fear is beyond something i can comprehend. We'll see, yeah?
Other than that, yeah, i'm just learning about myself more and more each day. The people around me, the friends i have.
That's about it really, so everyone have a nice day!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Well, at first i was just doing it for fun.
Then, i stopped for a while cause i was feeling very tired from blogging and i was feeling a little bit depressed before cause i didn't have a job.
The thing is, i like blogging, a lot. Most of the time, i know what to write about and other times, i just get lazy.
Mostly it's cause it i feel like it's a good way for people to get to know me better, well if they want to. It's fun too, anyways. So yeah.
Have a nice day lovelies!
Then, i stopped for a while cause i was feeling very tired from blogging and i was feeling a little bit depressed before cause i didn't have a job.
The thing is, i like blogging, a lot. Most of the time, i know what to write about and other times, i just get lazy.
Mostly it's cause it i feel like it's a good way for people to get to know me better, well if they want to. It's fun too, anyways. So yeah.
Have a nice day lovelies!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Day 26- What you think about your friends
I think they're awesome cause they think i'm awesome.
Haha, i'm kidding.
Those are some of the few people i can genuinely trust. They're great, they don't judge, well unless it's to laugh at people. Haha
One thing i really like about them is that, they are so very honest. I like honest people. They also know that i don't mean to hurt them but i am just really honest with my opinion so, they're okay with my bluntness.
They also let me be myself. They are the most genuine bunch of people i have ever met.
Love you girls to pieces.
They also let me be myself. They are the most genuine bunch of people i have ever met.
Love you girls to pieces.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Nothing special.
A book, a notebook, and like 4 pens.
I don't know why i have that many pens in my bag. I always thought i lost one of them and then i'd put a new one in, then i'd find the other one. Haha, yeah.
What else do i have?
Make up bag, phone, purse, coin pouch. Another pouch for some female items. Haha
Oh yeah, receipts. Lots of ATM receipts. What else?
Sweets. I have to have some sweets.
That's about it really. Sometimes, i have another pair of shoes. Perfume and an umbrella.
A book, a notebook, and like 4 pens.
I don't know why i have that many pens in my bag. I always thought i lost one of them and then i'd put a new one in, then i'd find the other one. Haha, yeah.
What else do i have?
Make up bag, phone, purse, coin pouch. Another pouch for some female items. Haha
Oh yeah, receipts. Lots of ATM receipts. What else?
Sweets. I have to have some sweets.
That's about it really. Sometimes, i have another pair of shoes. Perfume and an umbrella.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Dear Dad and Mom,
I love you. I would die for you. I wanna thank you for everything you did, and sacrificed just so i can have all these things. I thank you for the education you provided me, the roof over my head, and all other basic commodities.
I also thank you for the life lessons that you taught me over the years to be the person i am today. I thank you for the courage and selflessness of bringing me up.
Without you, i am truly nothing.
Love always,
I love you. I would die for you. I wanna thank you for everything you did, and sacrificed just so i can have all these things. I thank you for the education you provided me, the roof over my head, and all other basic commodities.
I also thank you for the life lessons that you taught me over the years to be the person i am today. I thank you for the courage and selflessness of bringing me up.
Without you, i am truly nothing.
Love always,
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
This is a ridiculous question. I crave a lot of things a lot all the time. Once i get cravings, BOOM, i'm crazy. I have to have it. I know, worse than a pregnant lady.
I haven't been craving for anything lately, maybe cause i've been eating well. Haha, buttttt i do feel like i wanna have black rice dessert or in Malay, "Bubur pulut hitam".
If you guys don't know what that is, it's basically an Indonesian (i might be wrong, so don't quote me on that) dessert. It's made of black glutinous rice and some other ingredients. It's not really black, it makes a really nice burgundy colour and it's delicious! People usually eat it with coconut milk drizzled all over it, but you can still eat it on its own.
Haha you guys have to try it okay? Okay.
I haven't been craving for anything lately, maybe cause i've been eating well. Haha, buttttt i do feel like i wanna have black rice dessert or in Malay, "Bubur pulut hitam".
If you guys don't know what that is, it's basically an Indonesian (i might be wrong, so don't quote me on that) dessert. It's made of black glutinous rice and some other ingredients. It's not really black, it makes a really nice burgundy colour and it's delicious! People usually eat it with coconut milk drizzled all over it, but you can still eat it on its own.
Haha you guys have to try it okay? Okay.
![]() |
I know it looks disgusting, but it really tastes good. Haha |
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Well, all i can say is, i am myself.
I know it may come off as me being a snob, but i'm not trying to be. I am myself.
You know how people say, no matter what it is, there is something unique about you? Yeah, i don't care about that. I don't care if there is someone out there who talks, walks, dresses or even thinks like me. Just as long as i am being myself.
People can call me fake all they want, they can call me all those nasty names, i really do not care. If you call me names, hey, probably i am that way to you.
I laugh at myself. I make fun of myself. Sure, i have insecurities and flaws but i make fun of it just to make me feel better. It's just me though. I mean, if people make fun of me, i'd punch them in the jaw. Haha, okay not really. I usually laugh along with them, unless it's inappropriately rude.
Whenever i get into an embarrassing situation, i laugh it off. I don't know, it used to be a defense mechanism, now it's just part of me.
I don't care if there are four of me out there, the most important thing about being me is my memories. The people i'm with, being surrounded by the people i love.
I don't know what makes me different from everyone else, but whatever it is, i'm definitely embracing it.
I know it may come off as me being a snob, but i'm not trying to be. I am myself.
You know how people say, no matter what it is, there is something unique about you? Yeah, i don't care about that. I don't care if there is someone out there who talks, walks, dresses or even thinks like me. Just as long as i am being myself.
People can call me fake all they want, they can call me all those nasty names, i really do not care. If you call me names, hey, probably i am that way to you.
I laugh at myself. I make fun of myself. Sure, i have insecurities and flaws but i make fun of it just to make me feel better. It's just me though. I mean, if people make fun of me, i'd punch them in the jaw. Haha, okay not really. I usually laugh along with them, unless it's inappropriately rude.
Whenever i get into an embarrassing situation, i laugh it off. I don't know, it used to be a defense mechanism, now it's just part of me.
I don't care if there are four of me out there, the most important thing about being me is my memories. The people i'm with, being surrounded by the people i love.
I don't know what makes me different from everyone else, but whatever it is, i'm definitely embracing it.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Thought of the day: Hair
You guys are probably gonna think i'm vain or something that i'm blogging about my hair. I am not, cause i actually get questions from people on how i get my hair so long but yet it's not dry or anything.
I am obviously not a hair expert and neither do i claim to know anything about hair. So, i am just probably gonna tell you guys my hair routine or just what i did to get my hair this long.
First of all, i do not do anything special to get my hair long. I think i should just thank my genes for that. I just cut my hair in March, and now it's already down to the top of my butt. Haha, yes, my hair do grow really really fast.
But of course, first of all, you need to actually get rid of your split ends and make sure you have healthy scalp. I mean, nobody wants damaged hair so you should probably chop it off.
They say chopping it off also make it grow faster. I don't know how true that is cause i cut my hair once in 6 months or sometimes once a year but my hair still grows. I think the main point is to make sure you don't have died hair or split ends.
Secondly, you have to eat right. I am not joking, having a balanced diet is also important for your hair. You need a certain amount of protein and a certain type of vitamin to make your hair healthy and nice looking. Oh, and also iron deficiency is also not good news for your hair. Haha i usually just drink lots of water.
Thirdly, i shampoo my hair everyday. I condition it every other day. I read that it's actually unhealthy to shampoo your hair everyday cause it would strip down the nutrients from your hair but my hair gets REALLY oily if i missed shampooing my hair, even if it's just for one day. So i just shampoo it everyday.
Oh, i'm using the pink Essential hair products, and i am really liking it. You guys might want to try if you have straight hair like mine.
Lastly of course, i do not put pressure on my hair. I hardly tie my hair unless i'm doing something that would make me sweat (i.e cleaning my house) or if the weather is really too hot for me to handle.
I don't blow dry, straighten or curl my hair on a regular basis. I usually just do it once in a blue moon. I also don't use hair products that much, just maybe my detangler from The Body Shop and/or frizz-free leave on conditioner also from the The Body Shop.
I air dry my hair and i don't comb my hair when it's still wet cause it's the most fragile and you might actually break your hair. Use a paddle brush to comb your hair when it's half dry.
That's all i do, really. Sometimes i don't even comb my hair. I think it's because i have fine and straight hair so i can actually get away with not combing.
So yeah, hope that helped. Somehow. Haha
I am obviously not a hair expert and neither do i claim to know anything about hair. So, i am just probably gonna tell you guys my hair routine or just what i did to get my hair this long.
First of all, i do not do anything special to get my hair long. I think i should just thank my genes for that. I just cut my hair in March, and now it's already down to the top of my butt. Haha, yes, my hair do grow really really fast.
But of course, first of all, you need to actually get rid of your split ends and make sure you have healthy scalp. I mean, nobody wants damaged hair so you should probably chop it off.
They say chopping it off also make it grow faster. I don't know how true that is cause i cut my hair once in 6 months or sometimes once a year but my hair still grows. I think the main point is to make sure you don't have died hair or split ends.
Secondly, you have to eat right. I am not joking, having a balanced diet is also important for your hair. You need a certain amount of protein and a certain type of vitamin to make your hair healthy and nice looking. Oh, and also iron deficiency is also not good news for your hair. Haha i usually just drink lots of water.
Thirdly, i shampoo my hair everyday. I condition it every other day. I read that it's actually unhealthy to shampoo your hair everyday cause it would strip down the nutrients from your hair but my hair gets REALLY oily if i missed shampooing my hair, even if it's just for one day. So i just shampoo it everyday.
Oh, i'm using the pink Essential hair products, and i am really liking it. You guys might want to try if you have straight hair like mine.
Lastly of course, i do not put pressure on my hair. I hardly tie my hair unless i'm doing something that would make me sweat (i.e cleaning my house) or if the weather is really too hot for me to handle.
I don't blow dry, straighten or curl my hair on a regular basis. I usually just do it once in a blue moon. I also don't use hair products that much, just maybe my detangler from The Body Shop and/or frizz-free leave on conditioner also from the The Body Shop.
I air dry my hair and i don't comb my hair when it's still wet cause it's the most fragile and you might actually break your hair. Use a paddle brush to comb your hair when it's half dry.
That's all i do, really. Sometimes i don't even comb my hair. I think it's because i have fine and straight hair so i can actually get away with not combing.
So yeah, hope that helped. Somehow. Haha
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Well, i always see myself marrying Bruce Willis. Yes, it's true. He's the man of my dreams. Haha, i'm kidding but i do like him a lot.
Well, even if i do think about the future sometimes, i don't go that far ahead. I mean, i do want a family, of course. A house, a husband and possibly six kids. Haha. Shut up, i like kids.
I don't know. The thing is, i don't usually picture a particular person. It could of course, be anyone.
There might be someone but eh, i'd rather live in the present at the moment. Just take each day as it comes for us and then we'll see. I am happy though.
'Nuff said.
Well, even if i do think about the future sometimes, i don't go that far ahead. I mean, i do want a family, of course. A house, a husband and possibly six kids. Haha. Shut up, i like kids.
I don't know. The thing is, i don't usually picture a particular person. It could of course, be anyone.
There might be someone but eh, i'd rather live in the present at the moment. Just take each day as it comes for us and then we'll see. I am happy though.
'Nuff said.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Haha, this is gonna bring back all memories. Well, some since not ALL my memories are defined by the nicknames i have. Some good, some bad, some highly recommended that i'd avoid it.
Lets just go at random cause i probably couldn't remember ALL of it or which phase of my life i've been called that, just maybe a summary of it.
The first one i can remember clearly was probably "Jelly Bean". I was a fat baby. Like, really fat, Michelin-baby type of fat, okay. So, they always made me dance to random songs just to see my fats jiggle. I don't know why "Jelly BEAN" though, they should have just called me "Jelly" since i shook so much. Haha
Another one i can remember is "Blue Whale". For the same reason above, me being fat. Well, this nick name was actually given to me by a very horrible person. He must think it was funny for calling me a "Blue Whale". To be honest, i have always found it rude, cause he's not family. He's just there, being annoying, skinny and ugly.
Of course, there are obvious ones, like "Ina". Which is just part of my name. Family and close friends call me that so yeah.
I couldn't think of any at the moment, but a lot of my nicknames revolve around the fact that i was fat. So yeah, i have an immense irrational fear of gaining weight, so sometimes i don't eat. I feel guilty when i eat so, lets just blame my issues on the family, shall we? Haha
Have a nice day, all!
Lets just go at random cause i probably couldn't remember ALL of it or which phase of my life i've been called that, just maybe a summary of it.
The first one i can remember clearly was probably "Jelly Bean". I was a fat baby. Like, really fat, Michelin-baby type of fat, okay. So, they always made me dance to random songs just to see my fats jiggle. I don't know why "Jelly BEAN" though, they should have just called me "Jelly" since i shook so much. Haha
Another one i can remember is "Blue Whale". For the same reason above, me being fat. Well, this nick name was actually given to me by a very horrible person. He must think it was funny for calling me a "Blue Whale". To be honest, i have always found it rude, cause he's not family. He's just there, being annoying, skinny and ugly.
Of course, there are obvious ones, like "Ina". Which is just part of my name. Family and close friends call me that so yeah.
I couldn't think of any at the moment, but a lot of my nicknames revolve around the fact that i was fat. So yeah, i have an immense irrational fear of gaining weight, so sometimes i don't eat. I feel guilty when i eat so, lets just blame my issues on the family, shall we? Haha
Have a nice day, all!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
I'm gonna keep it nice and short cause i'm pretty tired from having to deal with kids for 5 hours this morning while on my first day of my menstrual cycle.
Had really bad menstrual cramps this morning while doing mass borrowing of books at a primary school, but i survived. Phew.
I'm sure you all have read this more than once, so i'm just gonna say what i want to achieve and all that.
So, i wanna have a driver's license hopefully by the end of the year. I also want to go back to school. Probably part time cause of the shifts i'm working.
What else?
I wanna travel, of course, as usual. I wanna go where my heart wants to go.
Probably be like that character in "Eat Pray Love". Save up a couple or more years, quit my job and travel! Yeah, sounds pretty good now, but we'll see since things are so expensive now. Haha
What else? Haha yeah, i want a family too.
Have a nice day all!
Had really bad menstrual cramps this morning while doing mass borrowing of books at a primary school, but i survived. Phew.
I'm sure you all have read this more than once, so i'm just gonna say what i want to achieve and all that.
So, i wanna have a driver's license hopefully by the end of the year. I also want to go back to school. Probably part time cause of the shifts i'm working.
What else?
I wanna travel, of course, as usual. I wanna go where my heart wants to go.
Probably be like that character in "Eat Pray Love". Save up a couple or more years, quit my job and travel! Yeah, sounds pretty good now, but we'll see since things are so expensive now. Haha
What else? Haha yeah, i want a family too.
Have a nice day all!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
It would definitely be Emma Henning. Or Emma Willis now. Haha.
Why, you asked?
Isn't it obvious? Not only is she gorgeous, but she is also married to Bruce Willis! Yes, that is right.
My immense love for Bruce Willis is not a secret, obviously. I have confessed on more than one occasions, so yes, without a doubt it would be her! Haha
Why, you asked?
Isn't it obvious? Not only is she gorgeous, but she is also married to Bruce Willis! Yes, that is right.
My immense love for Bruce Willis is not a secret, obviously. I have confessed on more than one occasions, so yes, without a doubt it would be her! Haha
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
I haven't been letting anyone get on my nerves. I am actually very happy lately.
There was actually a time where i would care about how i make other people feel. I tend to be mad at myself or even let people hurt me just as long as the other party is happy.
Not anymore.
I am actually more aware of my worth. I know that i don't deserve to be treated like above. I told myself that if people don't treat me the way i would treat them, then there is no point to even have them in my life.
So yeah, i am actually happier cause i let go of the things that i can't change or the situation that would make me sad.
So yeah, to whoever have hurt me, i forgive you. *smiles*
There was actually a time where i would care about how i make other people feel. I tend to be mad at myself or even let people hurt me just as long as the other party is happy.
Not anymore.
I am actually more aware of my worth. I know that i don't deserve to be treated like above. I told myself that if people don't treat me the way i would treat them, then there is no point to even have them in my life.
So yeah, i am actually happier cause i let go of the things that i can't change or the situation that would make me sad.
So yeah, to whoever have hurt me, i forgive you. *smiles*
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Day 12- How you found out about Blogspot and why you made one
How did i find out about blogspot?
Well, i've always been active online so i like exploring the net and i came across this site with a lot of blogs on it. Also, my cousin used to have a blogspot before she has her Tumblr.
When i started blogging way in 2002, i was actually using the Multiply pages, but it was a private one. Then i started using Friendster and after a while, they launched a blog too so i used that one after i closed my Multiply page.
Then after a while, i got so bored with Friendster that i started surfing for other medium to blog on.
I used to blog my feelings out but i stopped doing that cause i honestly can't be arsed to blog about my day to day routine and sorts. So it's mostly used for me to catch up with my family, tell them how i'm doing and let people get to know me through these types of 30 days challenges and other "Thought of the day" posts.
So yeah!
Well, i've always been active online so i like exploring the net and i came across this site with a lot of blogs on it. Also, my cousin used to have a blogspot before she has her Tumblr.
When i started blogging way in 2002, i was actually using the Multiply pages, but it was a private one. Then i started using Friendster and after a while, they launched a blog too so i used that one after i closed my Multiply page.
Then after a while, i got so bored with Friendster that i started surfing for other medium to blog on.
I used to blog my feelings out but i stopped doing that cause i honestly can't be arsed to blog about my day to day routine and sorts. So it's mostly used for me to catch up with my family, tell them how i'm doing and let people get to know me through these types of 30 days challenges and other "Thought of the day" posts.
So yeah!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Song when i am HAPPY
Song when i am SAD
Song when i am BORED (guys who don't have a sense of humour and homophobes, skip this part!)
Don't judge me! Those videos make me laugh A LOT!
Song when i am HYPED
Song when i am MAD
Song when i am SAD
Song when i am BORED (guys who don't have a sense of humour and homophobes, skip this part!)
Don't judge me! Those videos make me laugh A LOT!
Song when i am HYPED
Song when i am MAD
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
I am finally enjoying my job. Well, i would rather avoid some people and/or patrons at work but i do look forward to go to work a lot lately.
Which is weird for me, cause i have never felt so motivated when i was at my previous job.
Handled a lot of old folks the past few days at work, and usually i do not have that much of a patience, but i think i aced it.
I don't know why some people were worried about me being in customer service. Haha
A lot of patrons said that i am actually very "kind, friendly and smiley". Haha those are not the words my friends/family would describe me as. Well, except friendly, they like how i am very friendly. I am not that smiley in person, that's why people think i have a very arrogant disposition.
I don't know. When i'm at work, serving those patrons, get very excited and happy. I think i really do enjoy my job. Yay me!
What else?
Oh, haha something happened yesterday that i am not going in details about. Some of you might know it, but other than the ones who were involved or were there to see it, the rest don't. Haha
Well in a nutshell, someone was being very childish about a certain situation and was making a very big deal about it. To be honest, i don't see what the big deal was but eh.
Usually i would feel bad if i think i have made someone mad or upset, but i don't know, i didn't feel anything.
Either way, it's all over now, so lets just all move on and stop being childish aye!
Good day all!
Which is weird for me, cause i have never felt so motivated when i was at my previous job.
Handled a lot of old folks the past few days at work, and usually i do not have that much of a patience, but i think i aced it.
I don't know why some people were worried about me being in customer service. Haha
A lot of patrons said that i am actually very "kind, friendly and smiley". Haha those are not the words my friends/family would describe me as. Well, except friendly, they like how i am very friendly. I am not that smiley in person, that's why people think i have a very arrogant disposition.
I don't know. When i'm at work, serving those patrons, get very excited and happy. I think i really do enjoy my job. Yay me!
What else?
Oh, haha something happened yesterday that i am not going in details about. Some of you might know it, but other than the ones who were involved or were there to see it, the rest don't. Haha
Well in a nutshell, someone was being very childish about a certain situation and was making a very big deal about it. To be honest, i don't see what the big deal was but eh.
Usually i would feel bad if i think i have made someone mad or upset, but i don't know, i didn't feel anything.
Either way, it's all over now, so lets just all move on and stop being childish aye!
Good day all!
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Day 08- Long term goals for this year
Hm, well, since i already got a job. I am trying to save a lot. I think it'd be a little bit easier at the moment cause i'm working shifts so i don't go out a lot especially if my rest days fall on weekday. If it falls on a weekend, it's usually not ALL the time cause it's a rotation between 9am-3pm and 3pm-9pm.
It's a little hard to actually have impromptu outing with my girlies because of that so we always plan in advance and our pay day falls on different time of the month so it's usually one or two big outing and just meet ups in between.
It should be a lot easier to save up. I hope. Haha
Well, i'd like to at least have one family trip. It's in plan at the moment but we're not really sure WHEN to go, so hopefully it happens. I need the holiday away from work.
I like my job by the way, so lets hope i stay in this job much longer than the previous one. I should have worked in the customer service sector from the start, i am actually happier working with people.
I wanna take my driving license. End of the year or start of next year, but i am definitely taking it. It's also in my monthly savings. Haha i get a bit scared though so i hope i'd do good.
So yeah, pretty much it.
I might look into going back to school, but with my shift work, it might be a little hard. We'll see.
Have a nice day, my loves!
It's a little hard to actually have impromptu outing with my girlies because of that so we always plan in advance and our pay day falls on different time of the month so it's usually one or two big outing and just meet ups in between.
It should be a lot easier to save up. I hope. Haha
Well, i'd like to at least have one family trip. It's in plan at the moment but we're not really sure WHEN to go, so hopefully it happens. I need the holiday away from work.
I like my job by the way, so lets hope i stay in this job much longer than the previous one. I should have worked in the customer service sector from the start, i am actually happier working with people.
I wanna take my driving license. End of the year or start of next year, but i am definitely taking it. It's also in my monthly savings. Haha i get a bit scared though so i hope i'd do good.
So yeah, pretty much it.
I might look into going back to school, but with my shift work, it might be a little hard. We'll see.
Have a nice day, my loves!
Friday, July 08, 2011
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
It has got to be my parents. They're a team, even though they're not really together anymore. They're kinda like the dynamic duo, well, to me anyways. They still need each other to function, they're still there for each other.
Of course there are gonna be both positive and negative impact both have on me but i like to give the credits to them for the person i have become.
Of course there are gonna be both positive and negative impact both have on me but i like to give the credits to them for the person i have become.
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Oh, come on. What other superheros are there?
It definitely would have to be Batman. Seriously, i can't believe you would even ask me that.
He's the best superhero EVER. He's my childhood hero and even now, i am in LOVE with Batman. Haha. okay, not in LOVE but i LOVE Batman.
Why wouldn't you?
He doesn't have superpowers but he's helped Gotham in so many ways. He uses his brain to actually bring down those bad guys. Well, money and contacts too, but you know what i mean.
He's not only a great superhero, but he's also suave and generous as Bruce Wayne.
I like Batman. He's cool.
It definitely would have to be Batman. Seriously, i can't believe you would even ask me that.
He's the best superhero EVER. He's my childhood hero and even now, i am in LOVE with Batman. Haha. okay, not in LOVE but i LOVE Batman.
Why wouldn't you?
He doesn't have superpowers but he's helped Gotham in so many ways. He uses his brain to actually bring down those bad guys. Well, money and contacts too, but you know what i mean.
He's not only a great superhero, but he's also suave and generous as Bruce Wayne.
I like Batman. He's cool.
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Library Book Sale 2011
The NLB's Library Book Sale is here again! Select from a wide collection of used books and magazines in the four official languages! Prices range from $1 to $5. Payment can be made by cash, NETs or CashCard.
- English and Chinese books will cost $2 per copy;
- Malay and Tamil books will cost $1 per copy;
- English and Chinese magazines will cost $5 for a pack of 10 issues; and
- Malay and Tamil magazines will cost $5 for a pack of 20 issues.
Event details:
Date: Saturday, 23 July 2011 - Sunday, 24 July 2011
Time: 9.30am - 8.00pm
Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 4A
Free Admission
Date: Saturday, 23 July 2011 - Sunday, 24 July 2011
Time: 9.30am - 8.00pm
Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 4A
Free Admission
For enquiries, please call NLB Helpdesk at 6332 3255 or email: helpdesk@nlb.gov.sg
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
I've been to a few places. The thing is, neither of us owned a digital camera before so when i went to Netherlands, Paris and Belgium, we used those cameras with film! Haha, i wish i have those pictures online to show you cause the places are gorgeous!
There are other places that i've been to that i have pictures uploaded online but mostly with my friends/family. So i think i want to post a place where i've been to ALONE. That's New Zealand.
Yes, i think i am biased too cause i really do love New Zealand. I wanna go back to take another breath of that Kiwi air! Haha
There are other places that i've been to that i have pictures uploaded online but mostly with my friends/family. So i think i want to post a place where i've been to ALONE. That's New Zealand.
Yes, i think i am biased too cause i really do love New Zealand. I wanna go back to take another breath of that Kiwi air! Haha
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
I would probably say forgetting to eat.
Well, to be honest, i like this forgetting to eat habit i have but at the same time i shouldn't have it cause it's unhealthy.
I can actually go more than a day without eating cause i just completely forget.
When i have something important to do, or if i was reading a very good book or watching some series DVDs, i would completely lose track of time.
I don't eat after 8pm, so when i actually get hungry after finishing what it is i was doing, i would just ignore the hunger and go straight for my shower and head to bed.
To be fair, it is also a choice cause when i realize that i'm hungry, i'll get to lazy to even eat.
I get too lazy going to the kitchen, or to whip up something. So my fridge is usually stocked up with yoghurt or milk.
Sometimes that's all i have for the whole day.
I know it gets unhealthy, but to be honest, i actually like the feeling of not being full. I like my stomach feeling empty, kinda? If that makes sense.
So yeah, i don't know, we shall see.
Well, to be honest, i like this forgetting to eat habit i have but at the same time i shouldn't have it cause it's unhealthy.
I can actually go more than a day without eating cause i just completely forget.
When i have something important to do, or if i was reading a very good book or watching some series DVDs, i would completely lose track of time.
I don't eat after 8pm, so when i actually get hungry after finishing what it is i was doing, i would just ignore the hunger and go straight for my shower and head to bed.
To be fair, it is also a choice cause when i realize that i'm hungry, i'll get to lazy to even eat.
I get too lazy going to the kitchen, or to whip up something. So my fridge is usually stocked up with yoghurt or milk.
Sometimes that's all i have for the whole day.
I know it gets unhealthy, but to be honest, i actually like the feeling of not being full. I like my stomach feeling empty, kinda? If that makes sense.
So yeah, i don't know, we shall see.
Monday, July 04, 2011
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
I love it when these 30 days challenges ask me about my friends. It's nice. I love my friends to bits.
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Day 02- The meaning behind your Blogspot name
Haha, there's really nothing interesting nor does it holds any special meaning. Those of you who understands Malay probably already know the meaning by now!
Basically, it just means me.
"arynne" is, of course, my name. "anakzainal" just means "child of zainal" in Malay. Zainal is the name of my dad, yeah.
So, Arynne; the daughter of Zainal.
Haha, pretty straight forward, ain't it?
Haha, there's really nothing interesting nor does it holds any special meaning. Those of you who understands Malay probably already know the meaning by now!
Basically, it just means me.
"arynne" is, of course, my name. "anakzainal" just means "child of zainal" in Malay. Zainal is the name of my dad, yeah.
So, Arynne; the daughter of Zainal.
Haha, pretty straight forward, ain't it?
Moral Dilemma: Friendship
"Jim has the responsibility of filling a position in his firm. His friend Paul has applied and is qualified, but someone else seems even more qualified. Jim wants to give the job to Paul, but he feels guilty, believing that he ought to be impartial. That’s the essence of morality, he initially tells himself. This belief is, however, rejected, as Jim resolves that friendship has a moral importance that permits, and perhaps even requires, partiality in some circumstances. So he gives the job to Paul. Was he right?"
As far as i'm concerned, yes he did.
Yes, sure, there is someone more qualified than Paul but he also has the credibility to do the job. It's not as if Paul got the job SOLELY on the basis of his friendship with Jim.
Knowing Jim just ups his chances of getting the job, but he is still qualified. Jim knows Paul personally, so he'll know how Paul is as a person; honest, loyal, hardworking, respectful, motivated etc.
It would help Jim too in a way that he has someone to be his "ally" and it would make work a little bit easier to deal with when things get a little bit hard.
I don't know, i know the right thing to do is probably give the job to someone more qualified but hey, isn't business all about networking?
As far as i'm concerned, yes he did.
Yes, sure, there is someone more qualified than Paul but he also has the credibility to do the job. It's not as if Paul got the job SOLELY on the basis of his friendship with Jim.
Knowing Jim just ups his chances of getting the job, but he is still qualified. Jim knows Paul personally, so he'll know how Paul is as a person; honest, loyal, hardworking, respectful, motivated etc.
It would help Jim too in a way that he has someone to be his "ally" and it would make work a little bit easier to deal with when things get a little bit hard.
I don't know, i know the right thing to do is probably give the job to someone more qualified but hey, isn't business all about networking?
Saturday, July 02, 2011
Quiet Rage.
"The quiet Sunday morning of August 14, 1971, was broken by the wail of sirens as the Palo Alto, California police swept through town arresting nine people. The suspects were handcuffed, read their rights and subjected to the degradation of the booking process after being transported to the Stanford County Prison (SCP). So began the Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE), one of the most important psychology experiments in this country's history."
I have been looking for the DVD for the longest time! I am still looking for it even though i have watched it. So if any of you guys know where i can find it, please tell me! Thanx!
I have been looking for the DVD for the longest time! I am still looking for it even though i have watched it. So if any of you guys know where i can find it, please tell me! Thanx!
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 10 interesting facts about yourself
Eeps, i don't think i have a recent picture. Well i meant, i have some thing year, but not this month. Let me check.
Well i guess this one's fairly recent. Haha
10 Facts about me
1) I like watching war documentaries.
2) I am always on a look out for unethical human experimentation books/DVDs..
3) I am trying to go vegetarian.
4) I do not like hot dogs unless it's specially marinated. (i.e cheese hot dog, black pepper hot dog etc.)
5) I get extremely guilty when i eat.
6) I like reading up on prison stories.
7) I wished i had red hair, green eyes and a British accent.
8) I don't like branded things. For real.
9) I don't like anchovies.
10) I like the feeling of not having anything in my stomach, that's why i tend to starve myself.
Well i guess this one's fairly recent. Haha
10 Facts about me
1) I like watching war documentaries.
2) I am always on a look out for unethical human experimentation books/DVDs..
3) I am trying to go vegetarian.
4) I do not like hot dogs unless it's specially marinated. (i.e cheese hot dog, black pepper hot dog etc.)
5) I get extremely guilty when i eat.
6) I like reading up on prison stories.
7) I wished i had red hair, green eyes and a British accent.
8) I don't like branded things. For real.
9) I don't like anchovies.
10) I like the feeling of not having anything in my stomach, that's why i tend to starve myself.
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