Friday, July 01, 2011

Thought of the day: Working at the library

When i was younger, the library was my favourite place.

I had the membership card and everything. Dad used to take Brother and I to the library every weekend to borrow books. We spent hours and hours in the library.

The library was pretty near to our old house. The old house was my favourite house (another story for another time) cause it was pretty near a lot of places, most importantly, the library.

Well, during that time i've always wondered what it was like to work in the library. "It looks pretty easy", i thought to myself. Well, what's so difficult with manning the counter right? You just need to help patron borrow books and search if the book is in the library.

During my time, the libraries had also went high tech. With self-borrowing station at all levels, i'm sure the staff there have a lot of them to themselves to read.

Boy, was i wrong.

I mean, obviously there are other job scopes instead of just counter work. We have to do roving, rework, lots of service recoveries and all those library jazz. I am not gonna go into it that much since you guys would probably have no idea what i'm talking about.

What i'm trying to say is that, we can have 20 different job scopes in our job description list and at the same time we have to know about the other staff's job scopes as well, especially your "covering officer"'s. So basically you need to know EVERYTHING in that department.

Of course being new, i struggled a little during my first few days in the library. I had to have someone be there with me all the time to show me the ropes.

It's been a month now and i can do things on my own, though i know i have a lot more to learn.

The thing is, the schedule can get really tight cause we get understaffed sometimes. Last minute claimed hours, or last minute sick leave and all sorts. It should be alright cause we're all working as a team, so we have to cover each others' duties. That's one of the main reasons why we need to know how to do EVERYTHING.

There is, of course, office politics. Which company doesn't have that anyways. It's just how you adapt yourself to the environment and how you do things that will benefit you and not get yourself tangled up in the whole "he said she said" situation.

Above all that though, what really makes me satisfied about working at the library, is the patrons.

Sure, we have really difficult customers and everything but it really does feel good whenever you get to help someone with anything at all. When they smile as they say thank you. Even the kids, they just bright up my whole day.

It really is a rewarding place to work in cause once you get that feeling that you actually made someone day much better, or even a smile that you get. It's all worth it.

I am actually happier working in this new place than the previous one. I think i made the right decision to actually be in this industry.

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