Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them

Haha, this is gonna bring back all memories. Well, some since not ALL my memories are defined by the nicknames i have. Some good, some bad, some highly recommended that i'd avoid it.

Lets just go at random cause i probably couldn't remember ALL of it or which phase of my life i've been called that, just maybe a summary of it.

The first one i can remember clearly was probably "Jelly Bean". I was a fat baby. Like, really fat, Michelin-baby type of fat, okay. So, they always made me dance to random songs just to see my fats jiggle. I don't know why "Jelly BEAN" though, they should have just called me "Jelly" since i shook so much. Haha

Another one i can remember is "Blue Whale". For the same reason above, me being fat. Well, this nick name was actually given to me by a very horrible person. He must think it was funny for calling me a "Blue Whale". To be honest, i have always found it rude, cause he's not family. He's just there, being annoying, skinny and ugly.

Of course, there are obvious ones, like "Ina". Which is just part of my name. Family and close friends call me that so yeah.

I couldn't think of any at the moment, but a lot of my nicknames revolve around the fact that i was fat. So yeah, i have an immense irrational fear of gaining weight, so sometimes i don't eat. I feel guilty when i eat so, lets just blame my issues on the family, shall we? Haha

Have a nice day, all!

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