Haha, so reading from the message below, you be the judge. (click image for bigger version)

The prince charming who promised me a happy ending.
So girls, what does this teach you? There's no such thing as prince charming. Haha repeat after me.. There's... No... Such... Thing... As... Prince... Charming. So go ahead, and find yourself a bad boy with tattoos and a fucking attitude. It's justified. Haha
Yeah yeah, i know what you all are thinking. I know i can avoid it, then why did this happen? I'm a sucker, i tell you.
Haha, Mummy warned me about guys like these, but do i listen? NOoOOooOO! Sweet talkers turn me on. HAHA, just kidding. Hubby told me to wary, if only i listened. HAHA love you buddy!
Nah, don't worry about it. I'm more pissed that he lied, rather than sad that they hooked up. Whatever, i knew it's gonna happen anyway. See, female gut instinct are never wrong. Tee hee.
Anyway, he always calls me a fiesty lion, so now he'll know how fiesty and bitchy i can get. You'll see.
Linsy was right when she said i'm the meanest person she know. I am not called Arynne Vengeance for nothing. Hahah okay, i'm called Arynne Vengeance cause i declared myself that, and that i'm a huge Zacky Vengeance fan, but you all get what i meant!! Haha
P/S: I, however, is giving him credit for telling me. But then again, if Maxine didn't leave a comment on his Tagged profile, he probably wouldn't tell me. Hmmm, never mind, i'll just give him the credit.
P/P/S: Yes, i know Bestfriend, you're laughing at this post. K fine, i'll admit it. You're the best and will always be the best.
P/P/P/S: Bestfriend said he'll treat me to Swenson's ice cream if i admit that in my blog. HAHA
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