Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 19. Disrespecting your parents.

To be honest, i have been rude to them before. I won't sit here and pretend that i have never talked back to my parents before because i have.

It's part and parcel of growing up. Being rebellious and going against what your parents what you to do/be/say.

One thing about me is that, i always apologize after that. I will feel super guilty about being so rude to my parents, that i will seriously just think about it every minute until i apologize.

I adore my parents to bits, that is not a secret anymore.

I think that people who disrespect their parents are either retarded or just seriously lacking in attention. I can never understand how someone can talk bad about their parents to other people. I can never do that.

Even if my parents did something that i think is against what i believe in, i would never air my dirty laundry to other people. They are my parents. If i am not happy with them, i would talk to them about it, instead of talking to other people about them.

Honestly, i would rather you kill me than ask me to disrespect my parents. I don't even care if my life depended on it. Like, that shows how much i would never want them hurt, especially not my by words and/or actions.

Disrespecting your parents should be punishable by law. For real.

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