Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 22. How have you changed in the past 2 years.

Other than the fact that i have stopped caring about those people who treat me as only an option, i think i have become more responsive to my own needs.

I have always put my family first before me, but i think i now know how to keep it balanced. I realized that i do need time for myself too, and that i cannot be selfish to myself.

I do love my friends, my family and my loved ones, but i have learnt to love myself first before anyone else.

There is no change in my trust area though. I am finding it too hard to trust people, as usual. Just, really not a good feeling to be wary of people all the time cause i get these thoughts in my head. Bad thoughts. It's getting a little bit overwhelming sometimes cause i don't know how to make it stop.

I mean, especially when it comes to guys and relationships. I try my best to be happy with the one i'm with and not compare him to the other guys who i don't want to associate myself with anymore, but it gets a little bit hard.

I want to be happy with the relationship and the guy, but when i feel like i am starting to get the hang of the idea that this guy makes me happy, i spazzed out.

I am trying though, one day at a time. So i'm just really lucky that this current guy is a patient one. Taking it step by step, trying to stop myself from thinking that everyone is just out there to hurt me. Yeah, it's gonna take some time, but i'm sure i'll be able to fight it.

So yeah, those are my little updates of what's happening in my head. Haha

Why not you guys tell me instead? I mean, those who do actually read my blog, if there is anyone. Tell me how i've changed over the years. How have YOU?

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