Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 29- Write about any particular habits/mannerisms that you have.

Well to be honest, i can't think of anything bad, except that i forget to eat sometimes. 

Other than that, is that i get cravings. A LOT. I'm not even pregnant or anything remotely close to that. I just get cravings. Whenever i tastes something in my mouth, i will crave for it. It's like my taste bud creates this flavours of the dish that i wanna eat, and then poof, i crave for it.

My cravings get really bad though, cause i get it at ridiculous hours of the night or in the morning, and if i don't get it, i get REALLY irritable. The craving will stay for as long as i don't get the food i'm craving for.

Usually, when i get the food that i'm craving for, i will eat it all. There are occasions where i get a few bites, and then i don't want them anymore. So it gets frustrating for people who are the ones who tried to get me those food items that i'm craving for.

Worse still, sometimes i get overlapping cravings. So, when i try to get food, it has to be in the order of which one i crave first.

I know, i'm weird. 

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