Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Explain your relationship status: 
Single and pretty much ready to mingle. Haha come and get me lads :P

What does your last text say: 

What is the first thing that came into your mind this morning"My. Tummy. Hurts!"

Do you prefer people who talk a lot or who are quiet: 
Depends what kind of mood i’m in, but generally people who talk a lot

Does it bother you when people respond to a text with one word?
Haha yes, kinda. That's why i never reply back to people who respond that way
Did you talk to someone till you fell asleep lastnight: 
Hmm nup

Is there anybody who hates you: I think so yes, haha but i don't care, to be honest

What are you listening to: 
Burn It Down - Avenged Sevenfold

Are you afraid to fall in love: 
Kind of

If you could choose one season to be a year round, what would it be: Autumn

How many kids do you want when your older: 
6 haha but 4 would be fine 

Does it bother you when people smoke around you: 
A little bit, but i'm fine as long as they don't blow the smoke to me intentionally

Missing someone now
Hm, maybe a little bit

Are you sober: 
Yup, i don't drink

Who are you most likely to tell a secret to:
Depends on the secret, sometimes, no one 

Is there anyone you trust 100%: 
Not a 100%, no

Are you the type of person who has a different boyfriend/girlfriend every week: 

What are you doing right now: 
Doing this and trying to be sleepy

What time do you usually go to sleep at night: 
Whenever i'm tired

Will you be in a relationship next month? Most probably not

Are you happy with your life the way its going: 
I'm content, yes

Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today: 

Are you currently frustrated with anyone or anything: 
Yes, frustrated at how depressing being unemployed is

Ever been called a jerk/bitch: 
All the time

Do you have any secrets that nobody knows about: 

If you could go back in time, how far would you go: 
Haha i don't know, 70's maybe?

Do you have a friend you can tell stuff to and your sure they wont tell anyone: 
Yes :) Thank god

Can you sleep with out your blankets covering you: 
Hm yes

Will you be sleeping alone tonight: 
Every night haha

Cry today: 

When you last got dressed, did you put your bottoms or your top on first: 

Are you taller than 5 foot and 7 inches: Nope, i think i'm 5'5" or 5'6" haha 

Are you one of those people that just dont care?
On certain matters, yes

Are you afraid of losing the last person you spoke to? 
Not afraid, but i would rather us be friends always

Who was the last person you spoke to before you went to bed: 

Are you happy with the choices you’ve made: 
They shaped me in one way or another, so yes

Are you planning to go and see a movie anytime soon: 
Well, there are a couple of movies i wanna watch, but i don't think so

Do you own a digital camera: 
Nooope haha

Do you think you’re a good person: 
Hmm i hope so

Do you currently have a hickey: 
Haha no

Do you break things when your mad: 
I used to, not anymore 

Have you ever in anyway, been betrayed by anyone you trust: 
Yes. To be honest, i don't know if i have forgiven that person or not, but we're currently friends

What’s the first thing you saw when you woke up: 
My ceiling

Do you think you can be in a relationship for 6 months or more: 
Yes, i prefer long term relationships

What were you doing this time yesterday: 
Same thing probably

Would you be able to date someone who doesnt make you laugh: Hmm, if he's nice and devoted, i could try

Would you rather date someone older or younger than you: 
I don't mind, just not too young

Have you ever broken up a couple: Haha i sure hope not

Could things ever possibly get better: 
We all can hope

Have you ever been around someone high: 
Ye, not a pretty sight

When was the last time you REALLY laughed hard: 
The day before yesterday i think

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