Friday, March 04, 2011

Day 4- Write about a period of time in your life where things seemed to be constantly going good.

Well, to be fair, my life have been pretty good. 

I have a great and understanding family, i have a group of accepting friends, and i have learnt a lot from all the events i have went through over the years. 

If i have to pick though, i would love to say my childhood. I am one of those many blessed person who was shaped nicely through growing up.

Nothing was quite so important to me when i was younger. It was a time of my life, for sure. There was no physical abuse or mental abuse, i was a pretty lucky child. I tend to get most of the things i want. I have a caring and attentive father and a hardworking mother. Brother and I get along very well during our childhood too. 

Sharing few stories that some of you (whoever is still reading this blog) may or may not know.

1) So there was this one time when my cousins and i were gonna go to this huge drain somewhere near our neighbourhood to catch guppies and other fishes. There was this wired fence that we have to cross to get to the other side. So i crossed over and my shorts got stuck on the wired fence. Haha it was hilarious cause we weren't even at the drain yet but i already tore my pants. Yeah, the middle of the pants. I wouldn't mind so much if it was at the sides or anything, but people can practically see my underwear. Haha

2) Another story happened between Linsy and I during our childhood moment, obviously. You know, that shameless phase we all have where we don't care what stupid things happen in public. Yeah, that phase (though, the phase didn't really die down for us, but yeah, another story for another time). We were at this playground and both Linsy and i were on a rocking horse each opposite each other. I was holding in my pee cause i was too lazy to go home and besides we were only there for a few minutes more anyway. My bladder was about to burst, so i asked Linsy if we're going home. So she agreed to go home, but before making a HUGE exit. She was wearing this dress or a HUGE t-shirt, i can't remember but she tried to jump over the head of the rocking horse and her dress/shirt got caught on the head of the horse. So she was just stuck there cause the horse was pretty high and she can't reach the floor and all. I was laughing so hard on my horse and i couldn't get up to help her cause my bladder was shouting for help. I laughed and laughed and laughed and i peed on myself. Haha yeah, it was funny, i didn't feel embarrassed at all. Haha i helped Linsy down and ran all the way back home. Couldn't stop laughing, even when we retold the story over the years, it's still funny.

3) The family went to the beach every weekend without fail. Be it fishing, camping, BBQ-ing or just a picnic but we will ALWAYS go to the beach every weekend. My schoolmates call me a beach bum cause i'm always tanned or sun burnt when i go back to school after the holidays. Ahh, good times.

4) I grew up watching wrestling and football matches at the stadium with the Dad. Love him to bits.

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