Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I just can't get enough

Ten Things i wish i could say to ten different people (but dont say their name):
1) I feel pretty useless when you insinuate that i am not trying hard enough.
2) I wish you would open your eyes and see that your "friend" is causing all the strain the family is having. Or had in the past.
3) I know i am not perfect, but that doesn't make you better than me, or anyone else.
4) I’d really quite like to know why you hate me.
5) I should have trusted you.
6) I think i like you, but i hate how you have no intentions to see where we could end up.
7) I really hope you'll see one day how you're breaking your mum's heart.
8) I'm glad we're still friends and all, but i honestly have no idea if i have forgiven you.
9) I think you're pretty cute, and maybe i kinda like you too..?
10) I hope you see that your happiness also matters, and not just the other party.

Nine things about myself:
1) I am actually friendlier than how people put me out to be.
2) I have two moles on my right boob, and in my right eye.
3) I can throw the worse tantrums ever.
4) I have considered stand up comedy, but i tend to get really boring when i try to be funny.  
5) I do not always think i am right, but when people just tell me that i am wrong without proving, i don't take it lying down.
6) I feel very strongly about things i care about.
7) I have a 9 year old daughter from Myanmar. And i love her to pieces.
8) I would never go bungee jumping or something similar to that.
9) i love my family. 

Eight ways to win my heart:
1) Show me that you're sincere and be absolutely honest with me in any way.
2) Take me on a sunrise date.
3) Be patient with me when i'm having one of my bratty moments. It won't last that long, anyway. 
4) Tell me everything. Your day, the good parts and the bad.  
5) Make me a cup of tea in the morning. Two sugar please. :)
6) Don't just tell me that you love me, show me.
7) Take the effort to get to know me.
8) Kiss my forehead and tell me you need me.

Seven things that cross my mind a lot:
1) Is this really what i wanna be doing for the rest of my life?
2) I need to get a proper job.
3) I miss you sometimes.
4) Would i have a family of my own some day?
5) Eating is wrong...
6) What happened?
7) Candyyyyy

Six things I do before I fall asleep:
1) Jog
2) Shower
3) Wash my face
4) Brush my teeth
5) Put PJ's on
6) Blog

Five things constantly in your possession:
1) Phone.
2) Keys.
3) Make up bag. 
4) My bank card.
5) A hair tie.

Four things you did today:
1) Had a rocking concert in the shower.
2) Watched some How I Met Your Mother.
3) Out for dinner with Linsy and her parents.
4) Blog.

Three places which mean a lot to you:
1) My bedroom
2) Cape Reinga
3) Tioman
Two things you want to do before you die:
1) Find that special someone and have a family.
2) Travel all over the world/build a school in an unfortunate country.

One confession:
1) I am afraid at what would happen to my loved ones if i anything bad were to happen to me. 

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