Monday, August 01, 2011

Day 01- Guilty pleasure

Guilty pleasure.

Hmm, well, it's really a toss up between MTV and Nutella.

MTV, why?

Simple! Haha it's filled with ridiculous shows. Some shows doesn't make sense and the music they play now.. WOW, bad! Haha

The thing is, it's something that i don't want my friends to know. Cause i would make fun of them for watching some of the shows there. Haha weird thing is, i watch it too, only when i'm bored and there's absolutely nothing interesting to watch on tele.

I don't watch tele that much anymore, and the short amount of time, i would feel embarrassed if i somehow ended up watching MTV. No joke.

I usually watch it to make fun of the people in the shows or like i said, i'm bored. Haha i usually avoid that channel. It's not the same as before though, but ah well, it helps with my boredom sometimes.

And of course, everyone knows i'm a hugeee fan of Nutella. I cannot live without it. I would somehow incorporate Nutella into my drinks or desserts or meals.

Yeah, not Nutella with rice though, that would taste weird. Oh would it? Hmm, i might have to try that some day. Haha

I know too much Nutella is not good for me, but oh my god, it's so good. Like, i can eat Nutella every single day and not get tired of it. It's so good, it's so delicious.

I am drooling at the moment writing and thinking about Nutella. It's so good.

Haha, you guys get it. But yeah, that's mostly it.

How about you guys? What is YOUR guilty pleasure?

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