Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 15- A moment, phrase, or song that has changed your life the most

Well, i don't want to get too personal but it has to be the day i found out my parents were getting a divorced.

Yeah, i can't remember exactly what happened though cause it's really not something i want to remember or tell people about but it's a memory, you know.

Basically all i can say is that it was a tragedy. Well, for me anyway. My world literally crumbled. I was just there trying to make sense of what happened right in front of me.

There was a lot of shouting from my parent's side and a hell lotta crying from me. I was hurt and confused. I remember thinking how selfish they were saying all those mean things to each other. All the accusations and all the hurtful words. How can the two person i trust the most hurt me like this?

I was really really hurt though. It broke my heart so much that i didn't even wanna be around them, or just people in general.

That incident did change my life. Both in the positive and negative way. But that's another time for another story. When i feel like it. Or if you guys are lucky enough for me to consider trustworthy enough for me to tell you the story.

Till then, take care!

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