Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 30- Ways you believe you have grown over the past thirty days.

People say you learn new things about yourself everyday.

Be it how much you can tolerate annoying people, or how easily it is to ignore someone who's pissing you off.

This month for me, i guess is pretty challenging because it was the fasting month. And it's my first time working two shifts. So it's kinda hard to actually be with your family for break fast. I also have only 10 minutes to eat cause there was only one person to man the counter.

Also, i find out how patient i can get with people. Everybody knows i am the most impatient person in the whole world. IN THE WHOLE WORLD. Being the fasting month and all, i seriously had patrons testing every last ounce of patience i have. But, i just suck it up and toughen it out cause it's what i chose to do.

And, of course, i realize that it's so much easier to not care about a person. Especially if all they've ever done was hurt you and played mind games with you. I have completely stopped blaming myself for what this particular person is feeling and/or doing. Also i have stopped trying to make amends with this person cause i could not stand the childishness any longer.

Oh, and also, i like kids. LIKE. A lot. I want kids. Haha just kidding.

But basically these past 30 days haven't been THAT challenging, so there's not much to learn from everything. Haha take care!

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