Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Day 09- Five things you want to see change

Things i want to see change?

As in my life, my country or the world as a whole?

Well, i believe to change big things, you have to change small things first. If you wanna help change the world, the first person you need to help to change is yourself, and then people around you. So lets just focus on ME, haha as always.

Nah, i'm kidding. I mean, of course we all want to see change in this place we live in, you know. But to actually tell you guys what is wrong with Singapore and then just HOPE that she will change one day is nothing more than just me complaining.

We all know we want lesser foreigners here. Well, to be fair, i don't mind foreigners. Again, this is me talking about those who actually do some good in Singapore. Those who can speak English, have common courtesy and those who showers and have good hygiene. The others, well, we can do without them.

I think the thing that pisses a lot of Singaporean the most is the fact that we are now being treated like a second class citizens. Being cast aside by our own leaders and well, basically becoming second best. Not only that, but to be called arrogant and rude by these "barbaric" foreigners is really uncalled for.

Well, lets see. I love my life, you know. I like my family and my friends and my loved ones. They're great and awesome. I like my job now, it's so much better than the previous one. Thank God i am not with them anymore, i am actually MUCH happier working in this new environment.

What do i want to see change?

Basically, i want a new living environment. This could mean a new area, or a new country. Either way, i want to get away from this mundane little place. There's really not much to do here. I think we all have been to the same place at least twice.

Singapore's pretty small. You can get to the next end of the island in just less than 2 hours.

The third thing i want to see change is, well, the glass ceiling. You know how a certain post in a job can only go so far. I think it's unfair. I mean, if this one person is competent enough to go higher, they should be given the opportunity to prove themselves. Especially if they are willing to upgrade themselves with required skills. You know what i mean?

I'm sure you guys are not surprised that this practice is still going on at this day and age. I mean, it's so old fashioned right? Judging someone's competency by the sexual organs they are born with. Even in our pledge, "Regardless of race, language or religion". See how they say NOTHING about sexuality and/or gender. So sad.

What else?

Well, there are certain people in the family that i would love to see change. For the better, of course. This shall stay a family secret, so lets not go in depth.

Last but not least, i would like to see people get along.

Like, REALLY get along. No superior race and/or religion. No greed, no envy and no judging. I know it's an ideal world and it's so hard to achieve, but yeah. I really want to see everyone just get along for once.

Haha, yeah, it's just my hyper-optimism huh. Ah well, a girl can dream of a beautiful world, can't she?

What about you guys though? Would love to hear your side of plans.

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