Sunday, April 10, 2011

10. Did you have a good day or a bad day? Where do you think that defining line was?

Nothing happened today that i can rave about, but nothing really bad happened today,

It was an okay day. Went out in the morning, then go online. Took some pictures and got on cam for a little bit. Then i had dinner with Mother.

Oh haha this morning, while Brother and i were sleeping, Mother called us and with a tinge of panic in her voice she asked, "What is that bundle of things in a black garbage bag outside the house, beside the shoe rack?". She was really afraid of it, and i was like, "How was i supposed to know, it wasn't there last night! Go ask Brother.".

 I guess she called Brother cause i could hear a commotion outside, and then i got up and told Brother to throw the thing away. I was genuinely concerned. I know i watched too many movies but we cannot be too careful right now, especially since a lot of things have been happening. I seriously thought it was a bag of explosions or something. 

So then while the house panics, Mother called 5 minutes later to say that she was the one who put the bag outside. It was a radio in the bag i think, and she completely forgot about it. Haha, don't you just love my mum. She's awesome. 

What else happened today? 

Haha, oh, i dropped my phone during dinner on the plate. Guess what happened? Yeap, a good chuck of it broke. No, not my phone, the plate. Haha, it was awesome.

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