Monday, April 18, 2011

18. Talk about your extended family. Why do you think they are the way they are?

Extended family. I guess this includes your grandparents, cousins, uncles, aunts, and other people. I think second marriages are also included here and also children's spouses and such. 

I used to think that they have to live together to be an extended family. I guess i am thinking the old fashion sense of the word where three or four generations live under one roof. Well, for everyone's sake, i hope it's a big house with more than one bathroom. Haha

Well anyway, lets talk about MY family. I don't call them extended family cause we're all just very close. My cousins, my aunt, uncle, well some of them. I'm not close at all with my father's side cause i didn't grow up with them. 

Sure, we have had some sleepovers and some things like that, but somehow when we grew up, we grew apart. Kinda sad actually cause we have this very great memories of sleepovers. I don't really know what happened, but i think there were some misunderstanding between families. Their families and mine, and to be honest, the relatives beside my dad doesn't really like my mother that much.

Well, except my late grandfather, and my late uncle and late aunt. They're nice people. They passed away though, sigh, i do miss them.

Now lets talk about the people i am close with. Basically the family on my mother's side. 

We grew up together. We went through a lot together. People see us being so close but they have no idea the kinds of problems and dramas we went through together. I think that's what makes us so close and inseparable.

Yeah, we do have our moment where misunderstanding occur, and of course, the families stopped talking to each other for months and months, but somehow we still managed to pull through. 
Honestly, each and everyone of us have gone through a lot of growing up when we were just trying to have fun by being kids. We all have our own stories to tell, each one of us. I cannot tell you how much i am so proud of everyone of them and i love them so much. I cannot bear to lose them at all.

Yeah, we're still very close now. I love you family. 

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