Saturday, April 23, 2011

23. Explain your life plan for the next month, then the next year, then three years, then five years.

Life plans. Isn't it weird how easy it is to make plans but it's so hard to follow through with it? I mean, self-discipline is one thing, circumstances is another.

It's like destiny.
The power which appears or is thought to control events. Even though you know you're fated to be something, you have to do something about it to make it happen and not just sit there and wait. I mean, i'm sure when things like that happen, we wouldn't think about all our past actions that actually helped us be at that place at that time. 

You get what i'm trying to say? 

So yeah, anyway lets just get back to the blog post, shall we? Even though i have no idea where i would be even in the next week, let alone the next 5 years. Lets just try, ok?

In the next month, i really hope i would get a job. I'm serious. I've been to loads of interviews and everything, some did get back to me for other important documents so i guess i have to wait a little bit more for them to get back to me? Yeah, but mostly just try to score a job. I knew it was gonna be really hard to get a job but i didn't know it would be this impossible. 

But yeah, i can't wait for the General Elections though. I'll be a first time voter, so that's very exciting to me. Can't wait for the Nomination Day and all the speeches that comes with it. 

In the next year, well hopefully i'd have enough money by then to go to America with my family, or else i'd be stuck at home all alone while they party in the USA. Haha, yeah, pretty much that's what i'm looking forward to for the upcoming year or so. 

I am also looking at schools that offer small time courses for certificates and all that kind of things. So hopefully by then, i'd make up my mind. I'm just thinking of taking as much small courses as possible. From customer service to event management and everything in between. Either way, a lot of things are pretty related to each other.

In three years. Wow, that's a long time to think about. I'm just here to learn, to see where my choices take me. Hopefully by then, I've been around a lot. Err, i meant traveling wise. I'd like to go back to Belgium just to see and learn in depth of the cultures and people there. Haha, lets hope i don't get a culture shock wherever i go.

In five years time, lets hope I've already have a career by then. Something i really really wanna do with all the work experiences and contacts I've made over the years. Well traveled too, of course. I cannot forget that. I want to go somewhere far at least once a year. 

Oh my god, i'll be 30 in 5 years time. Haha wow, hopefully I've met the love of my life and planning to have kids or already have kids by then. Haha noo, i'd be too old. 

I guess that's about it. Basically i just want to go back to school, travel, do some volunteer work while on a traveling mission. Have a career by then and hopefully a family.

Even if we plan things, there are also external factors that will interfere with what we're trying to do. So you have to have really strong self-discipline and never ever give up no matter what happens. Thing may or may not work the way you want it, but whatever it is, know that it is for the best and it is your choices that bring you where you are. 

Just keep in mind what you really really want out of life and work towards it. Have a nice day, lovelies!

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