Saturday, April 02, 2011


Three names you go by:
1. Ina

2. Arynne
3. Marina
Three physical things you like about yourself:
1. Eyes
2. Lips
3. Hair
Three physical things you don’t like about yourself:
1. Arms
2. Thighs
3. Calves
Three parts of your heritage:
1. Malay
2. Javanese
3. Chinese
Three things that scare you:
1. Failure
2. Being abandoned
3. Rats
Three of your everyday essentials:
1. Mobile phone
2. Music
3. Entertaiment
Three things your wearing now:
1. East View physical education shorts
2. Cotton On spaghetti strap
3. Ermm.. my hair tie?
Three of your favorite bands or musical artists:
1. Avenged Sevenfold
2. Trivium
3. Dark Tranquility
Three of your favorite songs (right now): 
1. Show Me How You Burlesque - Christina Aguilera
2. Final Resistance - Dark Tranquility
3. Shots - LMFAO Ft Lil Jon
Three physical things about the preferred sex that appeal to you:
1. Smile
2. Eyes
3. Arms
Three careers you’re considering/ you’ve considered:
1. Law enforcer
2. Lawyer
3. Psychologist
Three places you want to go on vacation:
1. Rome
2. St Tropez
3. America
1. I love to cook
2. I make great sammiches
3. I have boobs

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