Monday, April 04, 2011

4. What do you think it means to be in love?

I honestly have no idea what it means to be in love. Well, i thought i did, but a lot of things have happened within the past years to completely blow my theory out the window.

I don't know. I used to think it was sacrificing just to make the other person happy, but what happens when the other party is never happy? Aren't you just compromising your beliefs and integrity as a whole person? You know what i mean?

It's like "oh i can't sleep because i'm thinking of you, wishing you were here" kind of love. Haha i don't think that's love to be honest, that's just longing. Nowadays, people mistook so many other emotions for love. 

Well, firstly, i don't think you should change yourself just to fit the criteria of the other person. I think you should be comfortable to be yourself around the other person. Anyway, that's who they fell in love with, right? So why change? 

I never get that. I never get why people change whenever they've been in a relationship for too long, but that's another story for another time.

Secondly, you have to have respect. Respect for your partner AND yourself, most importantly. You need to set some boundaries and be firm about the consequences once they've crossed that line. I really think self-respect is important so you don't let yourself get taken advantage of. I mean, if your partner loves you, they should respect you anyway, right? 

Thirdly, i have to say freedom. You have to let your partner be themselves. It's like proving my first point all over again. I'm pretty sure you don't want your partner to change you, so it's the same for them. I'm sure some things or situations are gonna shape them and mould them into something hopefully better, but let them be the ones who want to change. Unless they ask for your help, i suggest don't interfere.

Fourthly, in my opinion, you gotta have similar goals. I mean, you guys can have your own goals and dreams and all that jazz, just have something that both of you can work towards together. Just so one person don't feel left out with the growing process, i suppose. If that makes sense. 

Last but not least, you gotta have trust to be in love. You have to know your partner and trust that they won't do anything to screw things up. Of course, you too, hopefully you don't screw things up. Trust is so important, so you guys gotta communicate as not to have any misunderstandings occur. 

Yeah, but that's what i think anyway. It takes a lot of work to be in love. Not just the "oh i can't live without you" crap. I don't like that. Haha, yeah, but that's just me. Every relationship has a different dynamic on how things work. 

I'm not an expert on love or anything, it's just what i've experienced. 

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